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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Aug 6

Today's Bible Reading: 2 KINGS 2:1-25, 4:1-44  


2 Kings 4:34

Elisha turned away and walked back and forth in the room and then got on the bed and stretched out on him once more. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.


We live in a world of those who identify as Christians, but show no evidence that validates their claim. They say they have spiritual life, but there is no proof of life. Their profession and practice do not coincide. On the other hand, genuine believers verify their belief by their behavior. Those who know Christ, live like Christ. Those who have come to faith in Christ exhibit faith in Christ. They are authenticated by their actions. As Jesus said, “. . . you will recognize them by their fruit” (Matt 7:21). Their spiritual practice shows proof of spiritual life.


Our text tells a tragic story that emerges in triumph. Elisha was one of Gods’ prophets at this time. He would often travel through the same communities as he ministered to the people. A woman would frequently give him food as he would pass through their town. Later she and her husband made a small room above their home so Elisha could rest on his journey. He was determined to help her for her hospitality. He discovered that she had no children and thus no heir to care for them in their old age or carry on the family name. Elisha predicted that they would have a son and that year indeed she bore a son.


As time passed the son grew and was helping his father in the field when he was overcome by heat stroke and died later that day in his mother’s arms. Now their promised son and their hope for provisions for the future was gone. Grief stricken, the mother sought after Elisha in hopes that he could help her and perhaps even raise her son from the dead.


Elisha immediately comes to her aid. He realizes that the child is dead as there “was no sound or sign of life” present from his lifeless body. So, Elisha prays and then positions himself on top of the body. The cold body of the child begins to warm. Elisha paces around and returns to lie on the boy’s body. This time the child “sneezed seven times”. Life had miraculously returned to the lifeless child. He was resurrected and returned to his mother alive from the dead.


The signs of his life were the seven sneezes. If there had been only one sneeze, they might have questioned whether he was alive, but there were seven in succession. There was no doubt that he was alive. The seven sneezes were evidence enough to justify their conclusion. It was the proof of life.


This miracle helps us understand the spiritual new birth. It is a beautiful picture of our sinful condition, and spiritual conversion. You see the scripture teaches that all of us at one point are spiritually dead (Ep 2:1). Like the boy, our condition leaves us incapable of making ourselves spiritually alive. It takes a supernatural act of spiritual birth to enable us to be made spiritually alive. This act is called the new birth. Jesus said that we must be born again or spiritually regenerated to respond to Him in faith and belief (John 3:3). Elisha was the earthly agent God uses to supernaturally raise the boy to life. God uses His Spirit to bring spiritual regeneration to sinful souls (John 3:5).


This story also helps us to see necessity of identifying signs of spiritual life for all those who identify with Christ. The “seven sneezes” clearly communicated that the boy had been raised form the dead. In the same way, spiritual transformation must be accompanied with spiritual traits. Those who put their faith in Christ must produce evidence of their faith. That’s what the “fruit” is that Jesus mentioned. There must be proof of life to validate their profession. Those who claim to follow Christ must present claims that they are authentic Christians.


The boy in the story was dead, so are we. This boy was raised to life; we who know Christ are born again and raised to “new life” in Christ. The sneezes were the evidence he was alive. Our faith and spiritual fruit are our proof of life.


Today, thank the Lord for the spiritual new birth. Praise Him that when we were spiritual death in our trespasses and sins, He made us alive together with Christ (Eph 2). Thank Him that by His Spirit we show proof of life by our life.

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