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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


June 29th


Isaiah 5:4 (1-2)

What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?

We all have expectations. Some of them are self-imposed and others are placed upon us by others. We typically strive to make sure that those expectations are met, or at least we begin with high hopes of meeting them. But when they are not met, we can easily become disappointed and disillusioned. We may find ourselves asking the question posed by the Lord in the text, “What more was there to do . . . that I have not done . . . ?”

The Lord had great exceptions for His chosen people, but in spite of all that He had did for them He was disappointed in the outcome. In the text He presents an analogy between His people and a choice vineyard. In this song of the vineyard the owner , "expected it to bring forth good grapes". His hope was that the vineyard would be fruitful. To ensure its productivity, he went to great lengths to provide every thing necessary for a great harvest. He chose a very fruitful hill. He cleared the land removing all the stones, then prepared the soil to plan. He planted the choicest vines. He even built a tower in its midst to protect his vineyard from animals and intruders. (Is 5:2) He did everything possible to make his vineyard fruitful, but unfortunately it failed to produce what was expected.

His desire turned into disappointment when he found that his vineyard brought forth wild grapes, instead of the lush grapes that were anticipated. There were many factors that could have caused this to occur, but whatever might be mentioned it was not because of the negligence on the part of the owner. He loved his vineyard. He nurtured it with great care and concern. He guarded it with his life and gave all that he had to make it fruitful. But all of His efforts were for naught. It brought forth "wild grapes"

His fruitful hill became fruitless. His choicest vines became corrupt. All he had planted become unproductive. His expectations were shattered. His hope was crushed. Everything he had done was to no avail. Disappointed and dejected, he asks, What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? So, he concluded that only thing he could do was to take away its hedge, and burn it and break down its wall, and trample it down. He said he would lay it waste; causing briers and thorns to grow in its place. (Is 5:5-6).

You see this is not just a song of a vineyard of the past, but a warning for the future. We as people of God are His choice vineyard. He has planted us on a very fruitful hill with expectations that we will grow and bear spiritual fruit. He has removed the "stones" of our sin in the sacrifice of His son. He has planted us in the righteous soil of our savior. He has built the "tower" of His Spirit to guard us from the enemies of our faith that would rob us of our fruitfulness. He has provided everything for us to be fruitful believers. Jesus tells us how to be fruitbearing believers when He says, "Whoever abides in me and I in him , he it is that bears much fruit (Jn 15:5). So we must be very careful that we don't disconnect our relationship with Jesus so that we don't fall into the same sins of the Israelite and bear "wild grapes".

Today thank the Lord that He has done everything to enable you to bear "good grapes". Ask Him to guard your heart and mind from being unproductive and unfruitful vines in His vineyard. Thank Him for the abiding relationship that you have in Christ. Ask Him to help you to continue to abide in Him.

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