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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Done Deal

June 30th

Done Deal

Isaiah 14:24

The Lord of host has sworn:"As I have planned so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand."

We live in, for the most part, a faithless world. It is hard to have faith in anyone or anything. The world is filled with promise breakers, rather than promise keepers. Commitments are swallow and easily broken. We can't trust someone to follow through with what they said or accomplish what they agreed upon. We have lost faith in people.

But our text renews our faith. It speaks of God's faithfulness to follow through. The Lord says that if He planned it, it will take place and if He purposed it , it shall be accomplished. There is no question or debate as the whether He will faithfully do what He has said.

This truth creates founded faith in those who follow Him. Their faith is not unfounded or blind, but based on the faithfulness of their Lord to whom their faith is directed. You see, if God said He would do something and always accomplishes what He has planned and purposed to do , then their faith is founded in His faithfulness to do it. We can count on it to be a "done deal".

Just take for example all the times in scripture God says "I will": I will save you (Eze 36:29), I will not forget you (Is 49:15), I will strengthen you (Isa 41:10), I will help you (Isa 41:10), I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isa 41:10), I will be with you when you pass through the waters and flame (Is 43:2), I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go (Psa 32:8), I will counsel you with my eye upon you (Psa 32:8), I will never leave you or forsake you (Heb 13:5), I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you (Jn 16:7), I will come again (Jn 14:3), and the list goes on and on. This is why we can trust the Lord to be true to what He says He will do. He does not flounder our falter in accomplishing His plan and purpose. He is faithful , so we can put our faith in Him.

Today thank God that His plans and purposes are a done deal. Ask Him to help you place your faith in His faithfulness. Thank Him that there is nothing that can alter or change what He has planned and purposed. Especially rejoice in the secure salvation that we have in Christ. The Lord planned and purposed to save us in Christ and we can be assured He will do it. It is a done deal!

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