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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Let's Talk

June 28th

Let's Talk

Isaiah 1:18

Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.

There are times in our life when we are at such odds with someone that we tell them, "Let's talk." The hope is that through the encounter you might reason with each other to develop an amicable resolution to your conflict. This is the beginning to building back bridges that have been burned. This the first step to finding a suitable solution.

God was at odds with His people. In the previous verses He had outlined His disgust with their long held disobedience. He says, "What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices? says the LORD; I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed beasts; I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs, or of goats . . . . Bring no more vain offerings . . . I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them." (Is 1:11-14). Theirs is not exactly a great relationship with the Lord. They are not on good terms with God. Their disobedience had caused a gargantuan riff between them and God. Their sins had created an insurmountable separation between them and Him (Is 59:1-2) .

But God is willing to "reason" with them. He invites them to the negotiation table to parle. In the midst of their rebellion, He is willing to reason. He gives His people an invitation to talk it out. He tells them, "Come now, let us reason together". He doesn't want to hurt them or harm them, but help them. He is not bringing them to the table to destroy them, but deliver them. He wants them to come and "hash it out" His hope is to heal their fractured relationship and bring peace into the picture.

The problem is the Indictment against them was great. They are told by the Lord your sins are like scarlet . . . they are red like crimson. What they had done was unthinkable. It was a blatant disregard and disgust with the Lord. Apart from the Lord's pardon and forgiveness their was no hope of reconciliation. But God's mercy is bigger than the massiveness of our sins. This is the hope of the gospel. This is the message of hope they needed to hear. It is the same one that we need to hold to in our times of rejection and rebellion against the Lord.

He sets forth incentives to induce them to change. He tells them if they are willing to come and reason with Him their sins . . .shall be as white as snow . . . they shall become like wool. Forgiveness and cleansing were put forth as the by product for those who turn to and trust the Lord. A clean slate is offered. No questions asked. What was marred by sin is made whole again by the Savior. There is nothing to bring and nothing to say, your coming says it all. It is time for a change. It is time to come and reason with the Lord regarding your sins, so "Come now and reason together" with the Lord. It is the only "reasonable" thing to do.

Today thank God that He is always ready to reason with you. Thank Him for the sinlessness of Jesus who was able to bear your sins and bring about your pardon on the cross. Thank Him for His continual manifestation of His mercy. Praise Him that there is no sin that you have committed or ever will commit that cannot be made white as snow and become like wool. Rejoice that the Lord ever invites you to reason with Him. Thank Him that He is always ready to "talk it out".

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