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Send Me

June 22nd

Today's Bible Reading

Send Me

Isaiah 6:8

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."

Missions is for every believer. It is the plan and purpose of God that every born-again believer be “On Mission”. We are all called to communicate the gospel globally “to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Rev 14:6). The good news of Jesus is to be taken by everyone, to everyone, everywhere, all the time. This is God’s plan of propagating the gospel. We are commissioned to go and “make disciples of all the nations” (Matt 28:19). Yet few take up God’s banner and boldly go where no one else will go. It seems that missions is optional rather than an obligation. It appears to be for the spiritually elite rather than for every believer. But we are all called to participate in God’s global proclamation; none are excluded and none are exempt. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matt 28:19).

The nation of Israel had fallen into sin. They had turned from the Lord, but He had not turned from them. Although their compassion for Him had grown cold, the Lord's compassion for them had not. The Lord sought to call them to repentance and return them to a right relationship with Him. He searched for one who understood His heart for the nations and His concern for making His name know to all nations. Thus, He made Himself know to Isaiah.

The Lord peeled back the portals of heaven and allowed Isaiah to glimpse into the throne room. He saw the Lord majestic, sitting on His throne high and exalted above all else. He was surrounded by a host of angelic beings proclaiming, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory"( Is. 6:2-3).

The very site of the Majesty and Holiness of Lord plunged Isaiah into deep despair. He cried out , "Woe is me, for I am undone" (Is 6:5). His sins were magnified before the Lord's sinlessness like a black ink spot on a white garment. Although He was one of the most righteous men alive at the time, when he came into God's holy presence, His unholiness was exposed. He declares his iniquity as he cries out, "I am a man of unclean lips."( Is. 6:5). But in his brokenness God brought cleansing and restoration. He sent an angel with a coal from the altar to touch his lips and purify him, declaring, "Your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged." (Is. 6:7). Now cleansed, He is ready to be sent.

In every case where God makes His presence known He commissions His servants to a task. When Moses saw the burning bush, God said to him, "Come, I will send you" (Ex 3:10). When Ezekiel was given access to a vision of heavenly things, God said to him, "I send you." (Ezek 1:3). When Paul encountered the overwhelming presence of Jesus on the road to Damascus the Lord said to Him, "I am sending you". (Acts 26:17). It is no different with Isaiah, God's presence was made known to him and His servant was send. God asks Isaiah, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" and his resounding response was "Here am I! Send me". Distance from the Lord leads to disobedience to the Lord's leading. Those who are close to Him answer His call to go to the nations. When His heart becomes their heart nothing hinders them from going and making disciples of all nations.

Isaiah went and we to must go. It is not enough to talk about missions or hear great stories from missionaries. We are not to sit idle on the sidelines watching others be engaged in the global battle for the souls of men. We are to individually and intentionally respond to God's plea, "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" like Isaiah did by saying, "Here am I! Send me!

Today thank God for His heart for the nations. Thank Him for making Himself known to you and purging you from your sins through the blood of Christ. Ask Him to help you no longer make excuses for not going On Mission. Ask him to remove every hindrance in your life that prevents you from responding to His global missions call with, "Here am I! Send me!

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