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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Not Yet

June 19th

Not Yet

2 Kings 13:23

But the Lord was gracious to them, had compassion on them, and regarded them, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not yet destroy them or cast them from His presence.

There are times in our lives when we encounter tremendous difficulties, some of which cause great fear to well up within us. Perhaps it’s a news of a tragic accident or a terminal disease. No matter what the catalyst for our crisis our life and livelihood is in the hands of the Lord. We don’t know where our path will lead but He does.

At this time in the life of God’s people they were experiencing great difficulty. The “King of Syria oppressed Israel” (2 Kgs 13:22). It was not without cause that they were being attacked. God’s people had fallen into horrific iniquity by worshiping and serving the gods of the nations around them. We are told, “The anger of the Lord was aroused against Israel and He delivered them into the hand of Hazel the King of Syria . . . . “ (2 Kgs 13:3). Syria was used by God to administer justice upon both the Kingdom of Israel and Judah (2 Chron 24:24, 2 kgs 13:3).

This brings us to the text before us. God’s people had rebelled against Him which led to His righteous response. God in His wrath could have completely eradicated the nation of Israel from the face of the earth. Their total destruction would have been a just response for their abandonment of Him. He had every right to pour out the full measure of His wrath upon them, but He didn’t, at least “not yet”.

He stayed His hand and stopped the administration of His judgement because of His character and His covenant. Our texts says, But the Lord was gracious to them, had compassion on them, and regarded them, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob . . . “ Their gross sins were met with His grace. Their compromise was met with His compassion. Their rejection of Him was met with His regard for them. This was not the typical reaction of men toward those who offend them, but it is God’s gracious response for our offense of Him. The multitude of our sin is greeted with His great mercy. His love for them was the great restraint that would not allow Him “to destroy them or cast them from His presence”, at least “not yet”.

God’s judgement was deferred “because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. God’s agreement with Abraham and his descendants would not allow the Lord to utterly “destroy them”. His promise prevented His punishment from being a final death blow against His people. His anger was averted by His binding eternal promise that in Abraham “all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:3). That promise came many years later in the person of Jesus.

Israel was eventually punished, just “not yet”. They were defeated and lead into captivity a few years later. The kingdom of Judah followed shortly after them. God’s delayed judgement was completely carried out. just “not yet”. This is good news for a sinful people. God’s judgement is delayed so we can come to Him. He is gracious, compassionate and regards us in a way that He is willing to watch and wait for His wayward ones to come to Him. God’s judgment was delayed, but not dismissed. It will come, but sometimes it’s deferred so that our friends and family can decide for Him. In this we recognize that His “not yet” doesn’t mean “not ever”.

Today rejoice that God is gracious and compassionate toward us. Thank Him that God is willing to delay administering His just judgement on mankind that they might have time to decide to follow Him. Thank Him that the His “not yet” is His grace manifest to the worst sinner and His deferred judgement is for their deliverance.

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