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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Aug 7


1 Kings 20:28

And a man of God came near and said to the king of Israel, "Thus says the LORD, 'Because the Syrians have said, "The LORD is a god of the hills but he is not a god of the valleys," therefore I will give all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the LORD.'"


We live in a world of commonly believed misconceptions. Some include the idea that since fortune cookies are given away in Chinese restaurants, they come from China. Another is that Mt Everest is the “tallest” mountain in the world, but actually if measured from its base to its summit Mauna Kea on the big Island of Hawaii is the tallest. One more commonly held misconception is that coffee is made from “beans”, but actually coffee is made from a seed which is called a bean.


In addition to these misconceptions there are many mistaken beliefs about God. A common one is that God is not loving because He lets bad things happen to good people. Another misconception is that God takes many different forms and goes by many different names like Allah, Buddha, and Brahma but is one and the same God. Still another one is that there are many paths or ways through various religions to come to God. Oh, there is also the belief that God helps those who help themselves. All of these commonly held beliefs are debunked in the pages of scripture.


Or text presents a misconstrued idea that emerges from a pagan nation. The Syrians had been routed in battle by a much small force from Israel. This caused them to perceive that their defeat was accomplished through the supernatural aid from the God of Israel. They deduced that the God of Israel was exclusively a “god of the hills”. Therefore, they were stronger than we; but if we fight against them in the plain, surely, we will be stronger than they” (1 Kgs 20:23). Their misconception brought them manifold misery. Their misplaced belief about the God of Israel caused them to act upon their belief, and moved the Lord to correct their erroneous appraisal. Their misinformed belief led to their misguided behavior. So the Lord taught them the truth through His triumph over them.


God manifested His powerful presence in their battle on the plains. A much small force of Israelites who were seen as “two little flocks of goats” came against a Syrian army “that filled the countryside” (1 Kgs 20:27). God’s army prevailed and once again routed the massive enemy force. In doing this, their idea that the God of Israel was a mere localized god of the hills and not the god of the valleys as well was soundly refuted.


The message that was pronounced to both the Israelites as well as the Syrians was that the God of Israel is Lord. God told Ahab, the king of Israel that in defeating the Syrians again that they would know that He was is the Lord. His presence and power were demonstrated on the plains and His person was declared to all. He emphatically made known that He is not one of many gods, but He alone is the Lord. He pronounced that He is not a localized god, but the Lord of the whole earth. He also declared by their defeat that He is not a limited god, but one of limitless power and presence.


Like them, our misconceptions about the Lord must be addressed by His revelation of Himself. His manifestations are no longer on the field of battle, but in the pages of Scripture. Our Biblical illiteracy must be met with Bible instruction. The Syrians tested their concept of the God of Israel being a mere localized God like the ones they worshiped on the battlefield. We must test our concepts about God in the Bible. We must place our misguided ideas about the Lord and faith in Him before the pages of Scripture to find clarity. As warfare was His revelation of Himself to the Syrians, so His Word is His supernatural manifestation to us. In examining the Scriptures, we are enlightened into the truth about the Lord and expose the fallacy that arise. Then “we shall know” that He is the Lord.


Today think of the misconceptions that you have had or still have about God. Thank the Lord that He has made Himself known in His word. Ask the Lord to help you study the Scriptures to discern the truth about Him and disarm any delusion that might have developed about Him. Thank Him that you can and will know that He is Lord though His revelation of Himself in His word.

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