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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

It is Well

Updated: Sep 27

Today's Bible Reading: ECCLESIASTES 7:1-11:6 


Ecclesiastes 8:12-13

Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they before him. But it will not be well with the wicked, . . . because he does not fear before the Lord.


We live in a world where evil abounds and evil doers prosper and live prolonged lives. We can’t understand why they are allowed to continue in their sinful activity. We can’t seem to comprehend how God could permit them to continue in their perverse ways. We struggle to see the reason they are allowed to continue to defy and disobey the Lord.


Solomon also wondered about their plight. He had observed their sinful acts and that the sentence for their behavior was not “executed speedily”. This made him draw up a contrast and consider the well-being of those who faithfully followed the Lord. He contrasts the welfare of those who fear the Lord with those who do not fear God. The non-believer described as the “wicked” in the text has no fear before God. They neither have fear that would make them frightened nor fear that would produce faith. So, they might be well for a while until their life of sin catches up with them. As the text attests “it will not be well with them.” The believer on the other hand has a decisively different demeanor, “it will be well with those who fear the Lord”.


It seems that Solomon understood that the difference in the well-being between the two was their response to God or their “fear of God”. Here in the text, we understand this to be the filial fear of God. It is the reverential fear of God. Those who have this kind of fear of God esteem Him highly. They honor Him and elevate His position and status. It is an affectionate endearing fear. This is a fear of respect which leads one to regulate their life in manner that would cause them to refrain from evil and walk in His ways. Those who fear God have someone to turn to in crisis and someone to hold them in heartache. It is well with their soul because their soul is well placed.


The evil doer is antagonistic toward God. They do not possess this kind of fear. They have no regard for the Lord or his rule over them. As Paul said, they did not honor him as God” (Rom 1:21), so you would not expect them to follow Him or His ways. Their lack of fear will lead to their lack of wellbeing. When God is not present pain has no purpose, suffering makes no sense, and life has little meaning. There is no one to make sense out of their mess. Depression, despair, and disillusionment set in with no relief in sight. This can leave them in a poor state so that it is not well with them.


So, Solomon saw that it would be well with those who feared God. Oh, believers still struggle with depression and despair, but unlike those who do not fear God, they have a refuge to run to and a rock to cling to in crisis. They don’t bear their burdens alone. Thus, Solomon affirms, “I know that it will be well with those who fear God”. As the author of the old hymn, who had just lost his three daughters in a tragic accident, writes: When peace like a river attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, “It is well it is well with my soul”. Just know and trust that it may not be well now, but it will be well with you!


Today let the words of the song “It is Well with my Soul” reverberate in your mind. Meditate on the words in each verse. Sing it over and over again in your head. Thank the Lord with Solomon that you “know that it will be well”. Look for the Lord to make what is not well with you to be well.

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