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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Eyes On You

Updated: Aug 6


2 Chronicles 20:12

"O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”


Catastrophes can come upon us suddenly, when we don’t expect them or haven’t prepared for them. The calamity that confronts us often appears without notice or provocation, such was the situation in out text.


The Israelites were living peacefully and prosperous in the land that the Lord had given them. As far as they knew, they were at peace with the people around them who God had graciously allowed to remain in the land of promise. But, in the midst of their solace came strife. Emerging on the horizon was a hoard of warriors coming against them. A mass of marauders bent on battle with them.


It was in this moment that they made a monumental decision. In spite of their fear, they didn’t seek to muster their army, but sought the master over all armies. They sought the Lord. They knew they were no match for the great multitude encroaching upon them. They knew that their God ruled and reigned not only over them, but over all the kingdoms and armies of the nations throughout the earth. They knew that His hand was powerful and mighty and that no band of bandits could defeat Him.


They gathered as one at the place where God had designated for them to go to petition Him in peril. They came to Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. Here is where God had promised that they could come when disaster befell them and could cry out to Him. He promised He would hear their prayer and save them. So, all Judah mustered to the Master to plead for His help. Pleading for Him to save them and He did.


Here is a tremendous encouragement for us. Like many times in our own lives, they were powerless to prevail in their predicament. They were “planless” in finding a solution for their situation, proclaiming, “We do not know what to do. . . “. Yet, their eyes were upon Him, the one who had power in their powerlessness and a plan in their “planlessness”. Their first response was their right recourse; it must be ours as well. Turning their eyes upon him turned their turmoil into triumph. It will do the same for us. Too often we look for the solution rather than look to the solver. They looked beyond their situation to the one who could solve it. When we muster our efforts rather than elicit the involvement of the only one who has the power and a plan to prevail, we will find ourselves defeated. Like the Israelites, “our eyes are on you”, must be our mantra in mayhem.


Next time disaster strikes, find deliverance in the Lord Jesus. Fix your eyes upon Him who is the solution for your situation. Approach the enthroned Christ and entreat him to come to your aid, beseech His benevolence and cry out for His compassion. The writer of Hebrews gives us this encouragement for you to take hold of this week: “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we might receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16).


Today thank God that He is present in out peril. Thank Him that we can look to Him when things don't look good. Ask Him to help you this week and to always look to Him before you look elsewhere. Thank Him that when you don't have a plan you can look to Him for His plan for your problem. Always let your eyes be on Him.

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