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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


June 20th


Jonah 1:17

And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights; 2:10 and the Lord spoke to the fish . . .

God is in control of all things. His control extends to all inanimate and animate things. Every aspect of His creation caters to His will and accomplishes His purpose. Throughout the pages of scripture, we find Him controlling the weather, warriors and the whims of people. Here we find Him directing a fish to save his drowning disciple and preparing him for His purpose.

Jonah was reluctant to follow the Lord’s command to cry out to the city of Nineveh against their wickedness. Instead of embracing the Lord’s plan, he chose to escape from it. Rather than heading toward Nineveh, he sought to escape from it. He fled from God’s will rather then follow it. But in the midst of his fleeing, God brought a fierce storm to turn the prophet around. The tempest was so great that it terrified seaworthy sailors. They tried everything possible to secure their vessel and steer clear of the turbulent tempest, but the “sea continued to grow more tempestuous against them”. Finally, it was decided to discard the disobedient prophet in hopes to appease the anger of his God and quieten the sea. So, they tossed Jonah overboard and the “sea ceased from its raging”.

The sea was calm, but the prophet was in a quandary. He was in the middle of the Mediterranean with no hope of making it to safety. He would surely drown. But God was not done with His rebellious prophet, His control of sea creatures saved His soaked servant. God “appointed” a great fish to swallow Jonah, not to devour him, but to deliver him. The fish provided his safe passage to shore. The three-day journey of his rescue caused Jonah to reflect on his rebellion and repent. The obstinate prophet became obedient. God saved him, spitting up on shore to go speak to Nineveh, and he did.

All of this was to accomplish God’s plan for the salvation of the Ninevites. You see, one of the gods of the people of Nineveh was Dagon, the fish god. He had a body of a fish and the head of man. He was the god of fish and fishing. They believed that in worshiping him they would have bountiful catches of fish. Now in their midst was one who had been swallowed by a great fish, had his body bleached white from being in its belly for three days and was spewed out a survivor to speak to them of the God that is greater than Dagon. They received Jonah’s message and repented of their wickedness.

Here is a great lesson for us. God is in control and regardless of what is happening in our life, His plan and purpose will prevail past our predicaments. Jonah understood why he was thrown overboard, we may not understand what we are encountering or why we are sinking amidst our experience, but God does. For a reluctant rebellious prophet, God “appointed” a great fish to bring him safely to shore. The fish was his means of salvation. In our daily struggles, we may not comprehend what God has appointed for our anguish, but it will come. As the father appointed Christ to be our salvation for sin, so in our daily distress He will provide a way of deliverance. Even before our dilemmas God has made provision for us. So, trust in the one who saved Jonah to save you. Look to Him who tells fish to swallow prophets and spit them up safely on shore to help you. Let the one who speaks to fish speak into your situation.

So in times of uncertainty and unrest in your life recall this fish tale. Consider how God rescued a rebellious prophet. Recall how He saved him that he might proclaim salvation to the people of Nineveh. Reflect on the thought that if God could control a great fish to save a reluctant prophet, He can control things in your life to bring deliverance from your distress.

Today thank God that He is always in control in all situations. Thank Him that His control is according to His will and not your whims. Ask Him to help you trust Him and His plan and purpose for your life. Thank for the times when He appointed a Jonah size "fish" to rescue your from yourself and your bad choices. Thank Him for the ultimate rescue that you have in Christ.

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