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November 12

Today's Bible Reading

Without a witness

Acts 14:17

Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.”

For most of us fall brings colorful changes. It brings the seasonal scenes of autumn. Leaves are turning, temperatures are dropping and days are shorting. These are all displays of the divine. They are a witness of Him. It is the creator annually declaring his existence. It is the demonstration of His presence.

Paul and Barnabas are on their first missionary journey. They preach the gospel to everyone they encounter both Jews and Gentiles. Here they proclaim the living God to those engaged in Greek mythology. They point them to their creator. They testify of the one whose unrecognized presence has been present. They tell of His sustaining deeds among them. They declare His witness before them. They proclaim of His goodness. They describe His provisions of rain and fruitful seasons. They assert that it is all by His hand.

They state that through many generations of walking in their own ways, He has been walking and working among them. His unseen presence has been ever present. Paul and Barnabas compel them to consider their creator. They call them to gaze at all He has granted them, then starting from there to come to Christ.

God has not left Himself without a witness. It is by His hand that the universe came into existence. It is by His power it is managed and maintained. He is the one who keeps all things in check. He preserves and protects what He has made. He daily displays His handwork so all can see. His witness is of His workings.

He has not left Himself without a witness. Creation cries out. But the witness of creation is not sufficient to save. Salvation is through Christ. He is God’s final revelation. In Him we find redemption and the forgiveness of sin. Of this we are His witnesses. Creation daily declares His glory. Christians are to daily declare His grace. Creation is displayed. Christ is declared.

Consider that in creation God has not left himself without a witness. All observe creation. Everyone everywhere day and night see His handwork. His witness is manifest to all mankind. But it is not so with Christ. We all have the witness of creation, but some are without a witness for Christ. His story is untold. His salvation is unknown. They are without a witness.

Yet believers are saved to share. We are the witnesses He has provided for the nations and our neighbors to know Him. They are without when we won’t witness. They don’t known when we don’t make Him know.

Today began to pray for the Lord to burden your heart for those without a witness. Ask him to show you ways that you can display and declared the gospel to them. Pray for the unreached among the nations and in your neighborhood. Beseech the Lord to give you and others boldness to be a witness to those without. Don’t leave them without a witness.

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