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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Please Him

November 29th

Today's Bible Reading

Please Him

2 Corinthians 5:9

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. 


There are many people in our path that we might set out to please. It might be a coach, a companion or a cohort that we want to impress. We may want to please our parents or grandparents. We don’t want to disappoint those that we desire to please. We don’t want to let them down, so we aim to please.  


This desire is true in the spiritual realm as well. Believers don’t want to displease the Lord. We set our hearts and minds to please Him. We make it our goal to please God. Paul set forth his goal in this text.  He laid out the desire and direction of his life. He spoke of his highest of intentions. He set himself on a course to please God. Moment by moment he was unwavering in his resolve. His quest was to please God. Every thought and every action was to please Him. Every word was to please Him. All of his faculties focused on pleasing Him. This was not a passing thought. It wasn’t a whim. It was the all consuming passion of his being. It was the pulse of his heart. Pleasing God was his greatest pursuit.

Purpose sets our pursuit. What we strive after spurs us on. We don’t always hit what we aim for, but we aim. Yet, If we run aimlessly we are uncertian if we will reach our objective. Aim for nothing and you will achieve nothing. Regardless of where we reside we should make it our resolve to please. This should be our aim.


We must let nothing move us away from pleasing God. When our life is disrupted by misfortune and mistakes we can let it pull us away for pleasing Him. When our aim is misguided by sin or self we must not let it misdirect our original aim. When transgresssions and trouble topple us, we must make every effort to get back on course. We must like Paul make pleasing God our ultimate prusuit.


Today check you aim. Thank the Lord for this encouragement from Paul to make it our aim to please the Lord. Ask the Lord to keep your aim steady and sure. Ask Him to provide all you need in your pursuit of Him. Set every ounce of your being on a course to please Him.  

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