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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Godly Sorrow

November 30th

Today's Bible Reading

Godly Sorrow

2 Corinthians 7:10

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted, but worldly sorrow produces death.

It is natural to feel sorrow for some inappropriate behavior. To experience a sense of regret or even remorse for what happened. To be sorry for what we did. But, to be contrite yet continue is not redemptive. It changes nothing. Our sorrow at times is self-defeating as it doesn’t diminish our behavior or alter our course. It doesn’t create a change of our conduct.

Here our text identifies two types of sorrow, worldly and godly. It also, acknowledges two effects of sorrow, death and salvation. The challenge is to effectively understand the meaning of each and appropriate the one that brings true repentance.

Repentance is a change of mind that initiates a change of behavior. It is a deep abhorrence for sin that causes one to amend their ways and alter their course. It compels the penitent one to turn from their transgression. There are a variety of varied responses to sin that do not constitute true repentance. Some are remorseful for a time causing them to become overcome by guilt and motivating them to stop for a season, but inevitably they return to their rebellion. Others fear the consequences of their sin or the results of their iniquity. When the ramifications are removed, they return to their wrongdoing. Still others sense the eternal weight of their sin. They are crushed by the thought of exclusion from heaven, so they pause, ceasing for a time, but then they continue. All of these are temporal turns from transgressions. They are pseudo penance failing to produce transformational change. In all of these there is a measure of contrition, but no real move to change. They cancel the sorrow and continue in sin. These result in death.

But there is another kind of sorrow mentioned, godly sorrow. It leads to real repentance and salvation. Godly sorrow is a recognition that one’s sin has defamed God’s character and disregarded His commands. This kind of sorrow sees sin as a wanton act committed against the Lord and a willful violation of His law. It compels the offender to run to God rather then reject Him, knowing that He alone can and will bring pardon for the penitent and redemption for the repentant.

You see, it’s one thing to be disgusted and disappointed by your actions and another entirely to be devastated by them. True repentance will cause you to be broken because of them. It is true contrition that leads to consolation. Only when you mourn over your sin will you move from sin. Repentance is more than being sorry it is what ignites a reformation of your behavior produced by a change of your heart and mind. It makes you see sin as God sees it and gives you a desire to walk according to His will rather than continuing after your own. It produces a permanent transformation. A salvation from the slavery of sin. It is evidenced by delighting in the Savior rather than desiring sin. It leads to pleasing God rather the pursuing the pleasures of sin.

Today rejoice in the hope that we have of reformation in our struggle with sin. Thank the Lord that in Him we find pardon and forgiveness for sin when we truly repent. Praise Him that He can and will give you the ability by His Spirit to repent with a godly sorrow when you become entangled in sin. Bless Him for the reformation that He has already brought into your life when you repented without regret for your sins. Ask Him to help you always have godly sorrow.

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