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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Aug 4


Ezekiel 3:17

Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.


Most of us are familiar with the early warning system in around most cities and the communiques that can be sent to our personal devices if the community is at risk. They are designed and implemented to inform us of impending dangers. They also are used to direct us in what we must do to avoid catastrophe. This network when working properly helps us all escape impending doom. But is to no avail if it is only heard but not heeded.


In Biblical times, the “early warning” system was much different. Although most cites were protect by massive walls, the walls still could easily be breached if there were no “eyes” on the wall. So each fortified city assigned individuals designated as “watchmen” who would walk atop the walls. They were tasked with looking out beyond the walls to see if there was an imminent danger approaching the city. The city stood or fell in large degree based on the watchfulness of the watchman.


The task of the watchman was essentially to guard the safety and security of those within the walls of the city, by communicating impending danger. If the watchman failed to see the enemy approaching, the city could fall. If the watchman saw the advancing foe, but failed to warn the people, the city could fall. If he told the residents of the city the threat, but they did nothing, the city could fall. For the city to stand, the watchman must faithfully herald the danger and the people must heed the warnings and respond appropriately.


This was the analogy used in our text. Ezekiel was appointed as God’s watchman, but not over a walled city, but over a wayward people. He was commissioned a watchman “for the house of Israel”. Like one who stood on the wall and looked out for danger, he was to listen to the Lord concerning the devastation and destruction that was looming in the lives of God’s rebellious people. He was to “hear the word” from the Lord’s mouth and “give them warning” from the Lord. He was to get a word from God and warn God’s people.


God constantly and consistently in many different ways communicates warnings to us. He graciously, persistently and patiently instructs mankind on how to walk in a way that pleases Him. He tells them how to delight in Him. But He also discloses to them the dangers that arise from disobedience.


He does this today, primarily not through watchmen or prophets, by through His written word, the Bible. All that we are encouraged to do to faithfully serve God is found in His Word. And conversely, all that we are exhorted not to do that would cause us to fall into sin is found in His word. If you will, The Bible is God’s appointed watchman over our lives. His word is our “watchmen” teaching us how to flourish and telling us how to avoid falling. Paul states that the word of God in our lives is “. . . profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”(2 Tim 3:16-17). Let us be diligent too hear and heed God’s word that we might become competent and complete disciples.


Today thank God for His word that is a watchman over us. Praise Him that He didn’t leave us to our own devises, but designated His word to help us to spiritually thrive. Commit to “hear” and “heed” what His word says so your “spiritual city” will withstand any and all assaults by the enemies of your faith.

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