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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

You Know

Updated: Aug 26

Today's Bible Reading: EZEKIEL 32:1-16, 37:1-39:29


Ezekiel 37:3

And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.”


A perplexing question is posed here. Can dry bones live? Can what has no life in it come to life? Can what is dead live? Ezekiel is right in his answer, only the Lord knows. We have no ability to bring life from the lifeless or give breath to the breathless. These are just bones and dry bones at that. They have no skin, no muscles, no organs, no breath and no life. They are just dry bones.


Can they live? Yes they can and  they did. The impossible become possible. The inconceivable was conceived. At the word of and by the power of the Lord these scattered bones were given life. They had no ability to plead for life. They had no capability to come to life. It was wholly and completely by the hand of the Lord, the giver of life, that they became alive.


A profound truth is revealed in this text. Here we find the dry bone syndrome. It is characterized by spiritual dryness and distance from God. It was the condition of God’s people who had willfully turned from Him. Now captive, they are disillusioned and depressed. Their bones are dried up. Their hope was lost. In the midst of their disparity a promise of the Spirit putting them back together emerges. Those who had become detached will come together. The dry bones will live again.


But, these dry bones are also a portrait of the regeneration of sinners to saints. It is a vivid portrayal of the spiritually dead being brought to life. It is an illustration of the power of the Spirit of God giving life to sinners. Every believer has experienced this transformation. Our dry bones have been made alive. The breath of spiritual life has been breathed into us. Once spiritually dead, now we process spiritual life. We live. What was dead in trespasses and sin has been quicken. It has been made alive in Christ. We have been given a new birth.


This was not our doing. It was the powerful and profound work of the Spirit of God. He did what we could not. He made us spiritually alive. He is the author of our new life. All praise is unto Him.


Today, find joy in the fact that ”God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved (Eph 2:4-5). Praise Him that He has made your spiritually dry bones become vibrant and full of spiritual life. Thank Him that He made your dry bones live. Pray for those who are still lying in the valley of dry bones void of spiritual life. Plead with Him to make them come alive. Thank Him that He has the power to make dry bones live!



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