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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Sought After

Updated: Aug 26

Today's Bible Reading: EZEKIEL 34:1-36:38


Ezekiel 34:11

For thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out."


When hikers are lost they send out a search party. When a ship is missing at sea they search for it. When a child is missing we frantically and fervently look for them. Typically when things are lost or misplaced we seek them out until we find them. But for some reason when believers wander off, we just let them go. There is no one who goes after them. There is no one who organizes others to bring them back into the fold. More often than not we just let them go. They made their decision to leave so we just let them leave.


Fortunately, that is not the way Jesus responds to His wandering sheep. He cannot and will not let them stay away. He looks for them until He finds them and lovingly and graciously brings them back into the fold. Oh that those who call His name were like Him.


What a great promise we find in our text. This is our assurance of a seeking shepherd. We are told that this shepherd regards his sheep rather than himself. He is a searching shepherd who will pursue His wayward sheep regardless of His own personal peril.


These are His sheep. As such, they are loved and cared for. These are stray sheep. They are the ones who have wandered off. They are lost and bewildered. They are separated from the flock. They are fearful and frightened. Yet they are not abandoned. They are not left to the elements. They are not discarded to become food for their prey. They are sought after. They are searched for by their beloved shepherd. They are sought by their savior who is seeking to save them.


Notice how personal the text presents this search. The Shepard doesn’t leave the work of rescue to his hirelings who do not have His same love for His sheep. No, “For thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I, I myself will search . . . . His love for His sheep leads Him to not leave them as they are, but to seek them out and bring them back into the fold.


What good news for lost sheep, for those of us who have wandered off. The shepherd is searching for you. He is seeking you out. His compassion and concern drives His pursuit. No matter where you have been or what you have done He comes to you. No matter what thicket you find yourself trapped in He will come for you. He searches not to punish you, but to redeem you. He seeks not to scold you but to save you. He comes not to hurt you, but to offer you hope. He brings help in your heartache. The ever searching shepherd seeks you out. He will come to you. He will reach out to you. He will rescue you. That’s His promise to His sheep.


Today thank the Lord that He is a seeking shepherd. Praise Him that He will not let you stay a stray. Rejoice that He will find you and He will graciously bring you back into His fold. Ask Him to help you be a seeking saint. Plead with Him to help you love and go after those who have wandered off that you might help them come back into the fold. Praise Him that you are sought after.

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