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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Aug 5


Ezekiel 28:26

And they shall dwell securely in it, and they shall build houses and plant vineyards. They shall dwell securely, when I execute judgments upon all their neighbors who have treated them with contempt. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God.”


We live in a world of practical agnostics. Those who claim to have no knowledge of the Lord. They do not know him or seek to know him. They are content in their lack of knowledge. The problem is this is not only true of the unchurched, but the churched as well. It is pervasive among those who claim to be followers of God. It is believers that disbelieve. They have all the trappings of faith, yet do not know the faithful one. They claim knowledge of the holy, but live unholy. They profess Christ, but do not know him. They are in all effects practical agnostics.


The Lord is constantly reveling himself. He makes himself know. He daily pulls back the curtain of His character. He openly displays Himself on the human stage. Yet many miss Him. They look for the big stupendous manifestations of His majesty. They expect the extravagant. They cry out for the colossal. Yet most often the minuscule and insignificant events are where knowledge of Him is found. They look for the whirlwind and get the whisper.


Notice in the text those things that lead the people to “know” that the Lord is their God. It isn’t in the incredible but the incidental that He makes Himself known. It is in the resources that He has provided for them and the rest that He has procured for them from their contentious neighbors in which He manifests Himself. It is “dwelling securely” in the land that demonstrates His presence. Knowing God is not about the extravagant, but the everyday. It is about His benevolence and blessings that befall us that leads us to acknowledge Him.


This is true in our life as well. It is not the miraculous but the mundane where we come to know Him. It is dwelling securely in “the land”, flourishing and free from outside threat that makes Him known. His ever steady hand is there to cradle and care for us. It is daily discovering truths about Him in His word and seeing and sensing His provisions and protection in our life that makes Him known. We live in obscurity to the omnipotent. Disengaged and distracted we often miss the opportunities to know Him. So we must continually seek Him diligently in His word and see daily the displays of His working. Then we will know that He is the Lord your God.


Today, look for the Lord in the everyday, rather than in the extravagant. Consider and contemplate His presence in your provisions and His protection. Praise Him for daily making Himself know to you in the rations and resources He consistently provides for you. Thank Him that He manifests Himself not just in the miraculous, but also in the minuscule and mundane. Rejoice that He is knowable.

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