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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


November 4th


John 19:30

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

There are three simple words in the text that have a profound impact, “It is finished”. The work of atonement is complete. The sacrifice for sin is accomplished. It is finished.

From the foundation of the world, Jesus has been the lamb slain. At the birth announcement, He is declared the one who would save His people from the sins (Mat 1:21). At His baptism He is proclaimed the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Now all things were accomplished. The savior has been sacrificed for our sin. Sin nailed Christ to the tree. Christ nailed sin to the tree. Sin brought death to Christ. Christ brought death to sin. Sin condemned Him to the cross. He conquered sin on the cross. The sinless was slain for the sinner. His death was on our behalf. Our debt was paid by his pain. Redemption was now complete. Salvation was secured.

“It is finished.” All the promises and prophecies referring to the life and death of Jesus were now fulfilled. “It is finished.” Every Biblical type of Him: the bronze serpent, the Passover lamb and the multitude of sacrifices attained their end. Everything had been done. Nothing else was needed. Nothing more need be done. No other task need to be completed. All is accomplished for our atonement. Our sins are placed on Him. Our penalty is paid by Him. Our permanent pardon has been attained through Him. God’s justice has been satisfied in Him. We are no longer condemned. We have peace with God. We are forever forgiven. We are always accepted. “It is finished.”

Here is great hope for those who languish in doubt, those who wallow in uncertain of their standing before God, and those who are unsure of their salvation. The work of redemption has been done. The cross completed it. Our faith in Him is sure and our salvation settled. These three words are our hope: “it is finished.” Nothing will ever negate the finished work of Christ on the cross. Nothing we say, nothing we do, or nothing we think will erase His completed work. Absolutely nothing can unfinish what He finished. We cannot undo what He has done. “It is finished.”

Today reflect on these three words, “It is finished”. Meditate deeply on what Christ has done for you. Think upon His death that brought your deliverance. Dwell on His Love that was displayed before you. Think on His wrath that has been diverted on your behalf. Rejoice in your eternal salvation that was secured by His substitutional sacrifice. Your alienation from Him is finished. Your enmity with Him is finished. Your condemnation before Him is finished. “It is finished!” All of your sins have been cancelled at the cross! You have been made right with God through Jesus. Hold to these three words of hope today, “It is finished”.

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