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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Don't Hold Back

Updated: Aug 2

Today’s Bible Reading:  2 CHRONICLES 36:1-5; 2 KINGS 23:31-37, 24:1-4; JEREMIAH 22:1-23, 25:1-14, 26:1-24


Jeremiah 26:2 “Thus says the LORD: Stand in the court of the LORD’s house, and speak to all the cities of Judah that come to worship in the house of the LORD all the words that I command you to speak to them; do not hold back a word.

Sometimes we know that we need to say something to someone, but we are reluctant to say it. It is clear that what we have to say to them is important and they need to hear it, but we hesitate to tell them. We shy away from telling them the truth.


Jeremiah didn’t hesitate. He didn’t back down or shy away from telling God’s people God’s truth. God had given him a message to make known to them, and He did. He wasn’t concerned about their reaction or response to what he had been told to tell them. He wasn’t afraid about what they might say about him or do to him. He just wanted to faithfully share what God had spoken to him.


God was reaching out one last time to His people in hopes that they would hear His prophet and “turn from” their depraved and despicable behavior. (Jer 26:3). That is why He sent His prophet with His message to His people and that is why Jeremiah was charged to “not hold back a word”. So He didn’t. He proclaimed to them the whole counsel of God.


Their response was not favorable. They wanted a positive and uplifting message to help them cope in their current crisis situation. What they got was a passionate plea to change their ways or they would suffer the peril that awaited them. Jeremiah brought a great message of hope for a heartless people, but they saw it as a hate filled proclamation of doom, devastation, and despair. They weren’t buying what he was selling and sought to silence him. They plotted to kill the messenger because of His message. But God stepped in and protected and preserved Jeremiah’s life. (Jer 26:24). God was faithful to His faithful prophet.


So what are our takeaways from this text? First, we must clearly hear what God is telling us. We must distinguish between this is what I want to say to you and “Thus says the Lord”. Second, we must “not hold back a word” any of what the Lord has told us to tell someone. We can’t let how they might receive it or how they might react to us hinder us from sharing with them. We must communicate with them what God has communicated to us to tell them. Finally, we must trust God to take care of us. If we are faithful to the Lord, He will be a faithful friend to us.


Let us not hold back a word from God’s word. It is transformative truth that will provide the hope and help that we need in all our difficult and trying times. We must make know what the Lord has made known to us. Who knows what His word will cause it’s hearers to do. Don’t hold back or water it down. Like Jeremiah, we must tell all God’s truth all the time.


Today consider how you have responded to those times when a friend or family member was obviously walking in opposition to the Lord. Ask the Lord to help you hear clearly what you need to say to them from what His word has said to you. Pray that you might not turn away or back down from articulating God’s word of hope and healing to a friend to help them get back in track. Ask the Lord to help you not shy away from speaking scripture to a staying friend. Make a commitment not to hold back from what could help them.

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