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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Burning Hearts

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

November 6th

Burning Hearts

Luke 24:32

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

Understanding scripture can be difficult. Culturally we are detached from the teachings of scripture. Their times are not our times. Their ways are not our ways. Their thoughts are not our thoughts. Our clarity is often constricted by our confusion of the intricate idiosyncrasies within its pages. Admittedly, the Bible can be complicated to comprehend. Scholars throughout history have devoted countless hours to decipher its depths. Their quest to unravel its mysteries continues uninterrupted.

Yet it isn’t difficulty that deters our investigation, desire does. If we don’t have a “heart” to know God’s word we will neglect it. We make commitments to conquer its heights only to be stalled in our striving. We turn back from the task. Our heart is no long in it. We lose interest. Rather than plow through we push back. We quit our quest. The truths of scripture stay untouched. The pages of scripture remain darken and unilluminated to us.

The risen Lord journeyed with two men along the road to Emmaus. He concealed His identity from them. They were confused by the recent events surrounding Him. Jesus intersects their ignorance. He peals back the layers of the law and the prophets to enlighten their understanding. He clarifies their confusion. He explains to them how all of scripture spoke of Him. Book by book, verse by verse He shows them Himself through His word. He illuminated their darkened intellect. He schooled them in the Savior. He made known to them what they were missing. The mystery of the ages was now manifested to them. They understood.

What depths and what delight must have flooded their soul. They understand the scriptures. All that they had learned led to their Lord. They comprehended. Their eyes were open. Their mind was enlightened. Their “hearts” were ‘burning”.

Like these two men we need open eyes and burning hearts. We need not just to discern the text, but to delight in the task. We must have “burning hearts” to comprehend the vastness of the knowledge of our Lord. We need to know the magnitude of the message of the scripture. We need to never stop seeking to have the scripture opened to us. We need to have the Holy Spirit illuminate our intellect to its insights. We need to understand. We need to know.

Today ask the Lord to open the pages to scripture to you. Ask Him to send forth His Spirit to illuminate its pages so you can comprehend its truths and comply with its teachings. Ask the Lord to ignite passions within you as read His word. Ask Him to give you great delight as you dive into its depths. Ask Him for a burning heart like these two who walked and talked with Jesus along the road.

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