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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


November 25th

Today's Bible Reading


Romans 8:38-39

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Separation anxiety affects many of us. We cringe at the thought of a good friend moving away. We cower at the idea of losing a loved one. We can’t comprehend the notion of our children moving away, leaving us empty nesters. Any of these losses could leave us in despair and deeply depressed. We often wish that everything and everyone would just remain as they are. Changes produce challenges that we just don’t want to face.


Not many things are stable or sure in this life. It seems we can’t be sure that things will remain as they are. Uncertainty abounds and changes happen. But in the spiritual realm we can find certainty. Paul here says, “For I am sure.” Whatever was unstable in his life paled before the stability that he found in God’s love for him. He attests that nothing can create a separation between him and Christ’s love for him.


Believers can be assured that they will never be separated from the love of God that they have in Christ Jesus. It is certain. Paul was confident of this fact. We can be too. God’s love for us does not fluctuate. It is not fickle. It doesn’t fade over time. It is consistent. It is sure. 


Notice that Paul lists every feasible scenario and situation that might possibly create a rife between us and our Redeemer. He assures us that nothing in this earthly plain or in the portals of heaven can in any way separate us from our Savior. We are secure in His love. Whatever we do or whatever is done to us cannot cause His love for us to be diminished or be destroyed. It remains intact through the most turbulent and trying of times. It is not contingent on my fleeting and flittering love for Christ, but on His constant and consistent love for me. It sticks when other “loves” shift or stray. So next time you wonder if somthing that you have done has casued you to be seprated from God's love for you in Chirst, consider here that His love for you is ever eternal, endless, and unbreakable. Nothing you can do can seperate you from His love for you, nothing.


This should be reassuring in our revolving door of ever-changing relationships. People come and go in our lives. Friendships change over time. Family dynamics shift like the seasons. But the love of Jesus is steady and sure. It is unchanging. It is the one relationship that is reliable and rock solid. Nothing can separate us from His love, absolutely nothing.


Today rejoice in the persistent and permanent relationship that you have with Jesus. Thank him that nothing in this life or the life to come can separate you from His love for you. Thank Him that His love for you cannot be distorted or destroyed by anything that you have done or will do. Thank Him that because His word says that Paul was sure that He couldn’t be separate from the Lord’s love for him, you can be too.  Ask Him to help you live in the surety of this unchangeable love of Christ for you.

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