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Worthy Worship

Updated: Jan 6

Worthy Worship

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 32:1-35:27


Genesis 35:3

“Then let us arise and go up to Bethel, so that I may make there an altar to the God who answers me in the day of my distress and has been with me wherever I have gone." -


Bethel was the place where Jacob (Israel) was met by God in his deepest fear and distress. He was escaping the threats of his brother and embarking into the unknown, when God came to him. He had left the comfortable for the uncertain when God appeared to him. He was moving from the safe to the scary (Gen 28:10-22) when God showed up. Now after over 20 years, at God’s request, he returns to Bethel. He had left in worry and he returns to worship. He worships in response to how God was present with him, had protected him, had provided for him, had prospered him and had kept His promises to him.


Worship is our response to the attributes and actions of God in our life. (Notice also, Israel had to put away the household gods before he could present himself to the true God v2, 4). Often, we blame the “atmosphere” in worship for our attitude toward worship. But perhaps we should examine our attitude before we worship. We cannot make worthy what we have not found to be worthy. It is difficult to exalt a God we have not encountered. Daily expressions of praise emerge from daily experiences in His presence. Daily being in His word, walking in His way and witnessing His power leads us to worship Him.


Jacob’s example should be our exhortation. Often, when we attend “worship” we want to encounter His presence. We want to feel something. We want to be moved in the moment and have a spiritual experience. These are not unrealistic exceptions. We all desire to meet God in the moment. We often come empty wanting to be spiritual filling. We want to have a fresh encounter.


But worship is much more. It is our outpouring to God. It is our praise for His answers and His aid on our journey. Worship is an expression of His worth. Jacob came not to encounter God, but because God had encountered him. Not to hear from God, but because he had heard from God. Not to plead for His help, but to praise Him for His help.


We must understand that worship should be an everyday exhalation of the worth of our God, not just a weekly event. All that Jacob experienced of God was expressed in praise to God. That is what worship should be, encounters with God leading to exalting God. Change can only come when we make a concerted effort to come into God’s presence. Presence with God will lead to praise of God.


Today meditate on your attitude toward worship. Take time to evaluate what draws you to worship God. Consider that Jacob’s worship sprang from the attributes and actions of God that he had experienced. Contemplate how you can foster personal encounters with God that will lead to exhaling God. Let being with Him lead you to praise Him.

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