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Not Wronged You

Updated: Jan 15

Not Wronged You

Today’s Bible Reading: JOB 35:1-37:24


Job 36:23

Who has prescribed for him his way, or who can say, 'You have done wrong'?


There are times when we feel we need to tell someone what they need to do, whether they want our input or not. God moves in our lives. Sometimes we delight in His actions while at other times we despise them. We want to dictate the direction He should take in our life. We want to tell Him what to do. We want to prescribe to Him what is best for us. Although we might declare to Him our preferred course, it is not always His perfect direction.


God is sovereign. He is self-sufficient. He is subject to nothing or no one to supervise His decisions and decrees. There is no one above Him directing His decisions. There is no one superior to God who is giving Him commands or holding Him accountable. There is no pantheon of gods advising Him. He guides men in the way that they are to go, but no one guides Him. He governs without our guidance.


God is independent of all instruction. His directives are determined according the “counsel of His own will” (Eph 1:11). God doesn’t consult us or seek to conform to our views, but chooses His course by the counsel His own views as to what is good and right. He knows what is best and needs nothing or no one to inform or instruct Him in His actions.


The purity of His actions emerge from the purity of His attributes. Holiness is an essential attribute. God is Holy. His holiness distinguishes Him as separate from all others. We are unholy, but He is holy. The term is descriptive of His purity, His perfection and His freedom from stain or sin. God’s holiness is ascribed to all that He is and does. His love is Holy love. His justice is a Holy justice. His spirit is a Holy Spirit. Every aspect and action of His is Holy.


Therefore, to accuse God of wrongdoing discredits His Holy nature. It puts a stain on the perfect sovereign. If He is Holy, He is Holy in all He determines, directs and does. If wrongdoing can be ascribed to Him, He would forfeit His Holiness. Unholy actions would undermine His Holiness. No case can effectively be brought against His Holy character or conduct. No charge can challenge His Holiness. He is just and right in all His ways. No one can say, “You have done wrong”.


Jesus is “the image of the invisible God’ and “in him the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Col 1:15,19). He is God in human flesh. Peter says of Jesus, “He committed no sin . . . ” (1 Pet 2:22). Paul says Jesus “knew no sin” (2 Cor 5:21). John declares, “. . . in Him there is no sin” (1 John 3:5). Jesus is sinless. Many have tried to pin wrongdoing on Him, but he has done no wrong. Jesus, God with us, did no wrong. Thus God, whether in heaven or on earth, cannot and has not done you wrong.


Today embrace the fact that God does no wrong. He has not wronged you. His passion is to perfect you into the image of His son. We must acquiesce to the fact that God has our best in mind and that when it seems He has wronged you realize that it is probably to right you. Ask Him to help you discern His actions and determine His will in them. Praise Him that He does no wrong and we can trust that what He allows to happen in our life is for our good and His glory.

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