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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

We See

Updated: Jan 6

We See

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 25:27-28:5


Genesis 26:28-29

They said, “We see plainly that the LORD has been with you. So we said, let there be a sworn pact between us, between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you, [29] that you will do us no harm, just as we have not touched you and have done to you nothing but good and have sent you away in peace. You are now the blessed of the LORD.”


People are watching. Our lives are on display before inquisitive eyes. They listen to what we say and they look to see what we do to determine whether our confession coincides with our conduct. As believers, our lives are scrutinized. Our demeanor and decisions are evaluated to assess whether our faith is genuine. People investigate us to determine if our actions agree with our affirmation. They closely monitor our movements to determine whether we are truly disciples of Christ.


Isaac lived among non-followers, those who had no affiliation with the Almighty. They watched him. They analyzed his actions. They observed how he interacted with others. He was man of noble character who was above reproach. He was also a prosperous man. They saw the Lord was with him not only in his prosperity, but in his practice. He was not perfect, but he practiced Godliness. It was seen in that fact that he was forthcoming when found lying. It was noticed by his integrity at the water well incident. His practice demonstrated his profession. This caused the lost to testify that the Lord was with him.


This is the way it should be with our lives. Our lives should testify to all around us that we are the Lord’s. There should never be a question concerning our commitment to Christ. Our manner of living and interacting with others should identify us as disciples of Christ. Our actions should affirm our allegiance.


Religion is never private. Our beliefs are broadcasted by our behavior. They are a public display of what we profess. We should live like we love the Lord, letting our light so shine before others that they see our good works and glorify our father in heaven.


Today don’t wear your faith on your sleeve. Boldly and graciously live out what you believe among those who don’t believe. They will see and testify of your faith. Shine Christ brightly in the dark places of your day. Let the fragrance of His love permeate everywhere you go. Let them see Jesus through you

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