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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


December 3rd

Today's Bible Reading


Acts 23:11 The following night the Lord stood by him and said, "Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome."

Often when we encounter difficult and desperate situations we wonder if it’s all going to work out. We are perplexed by doubts and fears. We are uncertain of the outcome.

Paul was being held by the Roman guards. He was there for his protection. He was being held under guard to prevent the Jews from killing him. He was secure yet unsure. He understood that the Lord stands with us in our struggle. He recognized that the Lord gives us courage through his word. He knew His purpose for us will prevail, but doubts lingered.

God has a plan for your life. It is there regardless of whether you realize it or recognize it. It’s there. It remains. It is unhindered and unhampered. It is prevalent and prevails. No situation, spirit, saint or sinner can stop it. People, plots and predicaments can oppose it, but nothing can prevail against it. We cannot screw it up or squelch it.

As observed, Paul was in a precarious situation. He was incarcerated for inciting a religious riot. He was jailed for his stand for Jesus. Unsure of God’s plan, he waits and watches. In his angst assurance comes. God speaks in his situation. The Lord’s plan is presented. His promise is proclaimed. This is not the end. The Lord stood by him to declare, “You must testify also in Roman.” The way is clarified. The work will continue. Paul’s concern is replaced with courage. He is told to “Take courage”. The Lord’s words wiped away his worry. The Lord’s pronouncement brought him peace.

You can be certain that conflict and constraints will arise. A plot to remove Paul and rescind God’s promise arose. Enemies emerged and opposition occurred. But nothing and no one can contradict or confound what God has promised. His word will be accomplished. What He says will be done.

Yet God’s plan then, is not in question. His promises will persist. His purpose will prevail. It can’t be turned away or thwarted. He will devise a means to accomplish His plans. Whether through a boy (16-22) or a battalion (23-24) it will happen. Opponents will be overridden. Enemies will be eradicated. God’s plan and purpose for your life will not falter, fail or be frustrated, but it will come to fruition. It will happen unhindered.

Today take courage that what God promises will be accomplished. Trust the Lord that His word will be done. Ask Him to help you avoided whatever might be said or done to make you think that He will not do what He has said. Believe that His word is His bond and you can bank on that. Praise Him that His plan and purpose for your life is unhindered

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