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Heavenly Songs

Today's Bible Reading

Heavenly Songs


Revelation 15:3

And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and of song of the Lamb: “Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations.


For many of us we have a favorite hymn or worship song. We would be thrilled if was regularly included in the song rotation in all of our church services. These are songs that stir our hearts and strengthen our faith. These are the songs that we hope will echo in the halls of heaven throughout eternity.  But as we contemplate the songs that will be sung in glory we observe in this text two songs that were sung by the heavenly harp laden saints in John’s vision. These we know are the songs of Heaven.


We are told that one was the song of Moses and the other the song of the Lamb. The song of Moses was sung by the children of Israel when they safely crossed the Red Sea after their deliverance from Egypt and the complete destruction of Pharaoh’s army in the Sea (Ex. 15:1-18). It was a song of praise of God’s power before, presence with and protection over His people. It exalts the Lord for His might and majesty. It rejoices in His righteousness, His redemption and His eternal reign. It is a song of the triumph sung by those delivered from trouble. It is song of escape from their enemy sung on the shores of their salvation.


This song of Moses was well known to every Israelite. It was sung in every Jewish synagogue every Sabbath. Young and old had memorized the entirety of this song. It was sung weekly to remind them of God’s mighty delivering presence and power regardless of how impossible their situation. God has and will rescue His people from trouble not matter how terrible. This was their song of deliverance. This was the song, of all the songs sung throughout the ages that the saints in heaven who had conquered the beast chose to sing. This was their heavenly song.


The second heavenly song is the song of the Lamb. This song differed in its origin. It was a new song created in heaven (Rev 5:9). It was sung by the twenty-four elders and the myriads of saints to honor and glorify Jesus the Lamb who was slain.  The song praised Him that by His blood He ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and nation (Rev 5:9).  They sang of the worth of the Lamb to open the scrolls. They sang of His worth to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory. (Rev 5:12). 


The song of Moses was sung by the Red Sea. The song of the Lamb is sung by the crystal sea. The song of Moses was a song of victory over Egypt. The song of the Lamb is a song of victory over the beast. The song of Moses spoke of how God brought His people out of harm. The song of the Lamb speaks of how God brings His people into heaven. The song of Moses was the first song in Scripture. The song of the Lamb is the last. The songs combined together rejoiced in the great and marvelous works of God, His just and true ways and His reign and rule as King of the nations. He is worthy of earthly praise now as well as eternal praise in heaven. He is to be worshiped here and there. He is to be celebrated as the one who was slain on earth and now sits enthroned in heaven. Let us sing these songs of heaven as we await our opportunity to sing them with the saints there.  


Today thank God for the songs of heaven. Praise Him that there will be a time when we who love Him will stand with the host of heaven to sing these Heavenly tunes.  Thank Him that the praise we begin here continues there. Thank Him for these Heavenly songs.

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