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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Sep 19

Today's Bible Reading: MALACHI 2:10-4:6; JOEL 1:1-3:21


Malachi 3:6

For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.


Change is inevitable. It will come. The young will get old. Winter will turn to spring. We can’t eradicate change. It relentlessly marches forward. It overtakes all in its path. It can’t be discarded or dismissed. We are in a constant state of flux. We change.


Yet there is something that doesn’t change. There is one who can never be altered or transformed. The Lord doesn’t change. He is perpetually the same. Time advances, but His is ever now. He is unchanging in His attributes and His actions. He is eternally the same. His acts are eternally consistent. He is the unchanging God in an ever changing world.


His immutability has great impact on us. His unchanging being and behavior brings stability to our shifting state of being. We can count on Him. We can have confidence in Him. He is the one who will forever be. He is unchanging. What He says is what He will do. His words are unchanging. He is our constant in crisis.


We are the recipients of His immutability. As the children of Jacob were, so are we. God had made an everlasting covenant with Abraham that a people would emerge from him. The children of Jacob, the Israelites, were those people. Like God, His covenant that He made with Abraham was unchanging. If God were to consume Israel because of their disobedience it would have made Him renege on His promise and thus proved his mutability. They are thus the “therefore” of God’s immutability.


Believers are also in an unchanging new covenant with God through our eternal relationship with his son. Jesus. His life, death and resurrection secured a permanent heavenly residence for all those who have turned to and trust Him. His unchanging nature holds us firmly in our future. Although we trip and stumble in our faith walk, we will never be utterly rejected. We will not be consumed. So we too are thus the “therefore” of His immutability. We are secure in a changeless Savior. We are settled forever in our unchanging Sovereign.


Today rejoice that God is unchanging. Thank Him that His pronouncements are unchanging, that His promises are immutable and that every attribute and action of His is likewise changeless. Praise Jesus that no matter how feeble and failing our spiritual walk may be He will emphatically and eternally hold us tightly in our covenant relationship with Him. Praise God He is the one thing that is unchanging in our ever-changing life.

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