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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Made Known

Updated: Sep 26


Luke 4:41

And demons also came out of many, crying, “You are the Son of God!” But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Christ.


There are two worlds the physical and the spiritual. They are the seen and unseen, the visible and the invisible. Hidden from most, we can’t see into the spiritual realm. It is a world of angelic beings comprised of hellish creatures and heavenly cherubim. They are for the most part invisible to us.


Yet glimpses are made know to us of the workings of this world in God’s word. The scriptures peel back the curtain to this world for us. God’s word tells of earthly encounters with spiritual beings, both the angelic messengers and the demonic emissaries. The Bible communicates what is concealed and reveals the hidden secrets of this unseen realm. It tells of Holy angels bringing good news; telling the barren they will give birth, warning of danger and confirming God’s will. It also, speaks of demonic forces bent on destruction. It details earthly manifestations of evil beings bent in every way on destroying God’s kingdom.


But in our text we find the unexpected. We find the demons declaring Christ. We discover that Jesus is known by them and make know by them. They cry out to the crowd that He is the Christ, the son of God and the Holy One of God. They knew Him because they had seen Him in His pre-existent glory. They beheld His eternal presence in the spiritual realm. They were created by Him and followed Him up until their angelic rebellion against Him. There was no hiding His holiness or concealing His commission. He is the Messiah, the coming one. He is the one of whom the prophets foretold, and the heavenly host proclaimed. These evil angels observed all of this unfolding from their hidden view. The mystery was hidden from men, but it was clearly manifest to these unseen beings.


They knew Jesus in the past and now they declared Him in the present. They unashamedly acknowledged Him. His character they called Holy. His commission they declared as heavenly. They knew Him and His mission. The Jesus they knew and rejected in the spiritual realm they now reveal in this earthly realm. The demons openly declared the person and the purpose of the Christ. Although they rejected Him they recognized and revealed Him to men.


Jesus is known yet unknown among us. It is on earth not as in heaven. Jesus is more often rejected rather than received on this visible plain. For most people, He is a missing Messiah. Sure they consider Him a good man, a great teacher, or even a moral guide. Some would perhaps even consider Him a Holy man likened unto a guru or a shaman. But for many He is not considered their savior. It seems strange that in the spiritual realm everyone knows who He really is, as our text states; the demons “knew that he was the Christ.” Ironically, we find no account of any demon ever calling Jesus a good man, a great teacher or a moral guide. To them He is the Son of God . . . the Christ. It is definitely not on earth as it is in heaven. 


For believers here is a harsh reality to reflect upon. Jesus is known and made known by demons. As believers that should be our desire and our passion. We should not hesitate to share the overwhelming joy of knowing Jesus. Yet we leave it undone. We cower in our conversations. We become silent saints, frozen and shut mouthed about our Savior. We are fearful of the fallout if we openly proclaim Christ.


But the enemies of the Cross and exiles from heaven openly made Him known. The demons do what disciples won’t do. We know Him differently than demons. He is our Savior, He is our Redeemer. We are saved to serve Him by sharing Him. Jesus rebuked the demons. He challenges the saints. Ours is to know Him and make Him know. Don’t let demons do what disciples should do. Seek Him with all your heart and share Him with all you passion. Make Him know now.


Today consider how someone took the time to make Jesus known to you. Thank the Lord that you know Him because of them. Ask the Lord to show you the people in your circle of influence that do not know Jesus and to help you make Him known to them. Ask the Lord to help you faithfully make Jesus known to those you encounter in your daily life.

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