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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Unchanged Course

December 5th

Today's Bible Reading

Unchanged Direction

Acts 27:11

Nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the helmsmen and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul. (NKJV)


Many voices speak into our decisions. They share their thoughts. They relay their counsel. They give their input. Yet not all voices are valid. Misinformation abounds. What seems sound could sink your ship. Paul was a scholar not a sailor. He had little knowledge of navigating a ship. But Paul had heard from the maker of the seas and the movement of ships regarding the journey that lay ahead for them. His words should have trumpet whatever was told the soldier by the captain. But they didn’t. The captain’s words cancelled Paul’s comments. His argument was dismissed in favor of the counsel of the captain. So they sailed on.


Paul wasn’t some ideal babbler trying to get the sailors and soldiers to side with hi point of view. Unbeknownst to them God had told Paul that he would testify in Rome. He was concerned that their choice would prevent him from reaching Rome. He feared that they would all perish and thwart God’s plan and purpose for his future. Yet they sailed on. But even in their rash and dangerous decision, God’s plan prevailed.


They set sail and were caught up in a horrific storm.  It became so intense that they jettisoned the cargo and feared for their lives. The storm continued for many days. They felt that “all hope of being saved was at last abandoned” (Acts 27:20). They had given up. That is when the Lord stepped into their storm. An angel of the Lord had appeared to Paul that night to reassure him and all those who sailed with them that Paul “must stand before Caesar” (Acts 27:24). Here was great hope for a seemingly hopeless situation. They were saved by Paul’s Savior.    


That is what the Lord does. He brings hope in the midst our most helpless and hopeless situations. The captain had made a bad choice, but God delivered them from their bad decision. He turned things around. He rescued them. That is what the Lord can and will do when we make bad choices. He saves us.


Today thank God that he can take our bonehead decisions and turn them around for His glory. Praise Him that nothing that you can change his course for you. Ask Him to help you to trust Him in the turbulent times to take you where He wants you to go. Rejoice that even though you might change your direction you can’t change His course for you.

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