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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Traveling Companion

Updated: Jan 6

Traveling Companion

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 28:6-30:24


Genesis 28:15

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."


Jacob was alone and afraid. He had never really ventured away from his home and family. Now having taken his brother’s birthright and blessing, he is forced to leave his home. He was uncertain of what my lie ahead. He knew where he was heading, but he was fearful that he wouldn’t complete the journey. He became anxious and overwhelmed.


It was in this moment that the Lord spoke to him. It was here that the Lord brought assurance and hope. His promise of His presence on and perseverance in his journey calmed his anxiety and apprehension. “I am with you”, alleviated his sense of loneliness. He was not traveling alone, but the Creator of the universe was his companion. His Lord walked with him on his way never leaving his side. “Will keep you” were great words of affirmation. He was not only going with him, but He was going to guard him. He will watch over him on his way. Yet, his companionship was not limited to this short trip, but wherever he would venture. No matter what adventure was ahead, the Almighty would accompany him. He would never leave his side, staying with him stride for stride.


Like Jacob, fear of the future overwhelms us, anxiety assaults us, and the unknown creates uncertainty. But like Jacob, we have a companion for our journey. We travel with His words to wave off our worries. His presence goes with us along the way to bring peace in our perplexity and disarm our disquietude. His promises enable us to persist. “I will be with you.” “I will never leave you or forsake you.” His indwelling Spirit walks with us and watches over us along our way. He is our faithful and forever traveling companion.


Today, when thoughts of uncertainty come, remember this verse. When fear finds you, recite it again to yourself. Focus on the Lord’s affirmations. Hone in on what He says He will do. “I am with you”. “(I) will keep you”. Let these promises pierce deep into your soul. Repeat them again and again to yourself, until they become relevant. “He is with me.” “He will keep me.” Yes He will. Believe it. Live it.

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