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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Timed Response

Updated: May 10

Today's Bible Reading: PSALM 68-70, 86, 101


Psalm 69:13

But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.


Sometimes answers to our prayers are delayed. We question why the response lingers. We are confused as to why we have not heard from Him. In our frustration and distress we cry out. But we hear nothing. There is only silence by our savior. We find a quiet hush from heaven. We wait. We wonder. Our faith is tested. Our patience is tried. Our resolve is shaken. We contemplate why there is a lack of His response. We are perplexed and think that perhaps He didn’t hear. Maybe He’s not concerned. Surely He hears. He has to care. Yet we hear nothing. There is no assistance for our anguish. There is only quietness for our query.


The psalmist brings a word for our woe. His struggle speaks to our situation. His petition identifies with our plea. He says, At an acceptable time . . . answer me. He clarifies that answers are in God’s timing not according to our timeline. He has set the time to respond. He knows the moment His mercy will be manifest. He alone knows when His salvation will be sent forth. He answers according to His way not our whims.


We want an immediate reaction. We hope for a quick reply to our request. Yet God’s response may linger. His reply may be postponed or prolonged. It is unto Him to determine the appropriate time for His answer. So we need not despair. He hears. He will answer. In the abundance of His steadfast love and His saving faithfulness He will answers us.


Today wait! Don’t rush God’s response. Pray and wait. He has heard you and in the “acceptable time” He will answer you. So petition the Lord and patiently wait, your answer is on its way.


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