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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Love Wins

Updated: May 28

Today's Bible Reading: PROVERBS 8:1-10:32


Love Wins


Prov 10:12. (1 Pet 4:8)

Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.


From mankind’s beginning there has been strife because of sin. People are at odds with one another. Individuals are against each other. Brother is against brother. Sinfulness is the catalyst that stirs up strife. Daily we decide how we will respond when agitated. We chose how we will react when provoked. We determine whether slumbering sin will be stirred or stay suppressed. We decide whether strife will take its seat. We determine whether dissections, jealousies, quarrels and contentions will be awakened. We chose whether hatred will have its way. If it emerges it will unleash disastrous results. It will result in a hurricane of hurt and a typhoon of trouble. No matter how you package it, strife is stirred up by hatred. It pours gasoline on the fire.


But if love is our action when agitated, everything changes. As sinners we aroused the anger of the Lord. We provoked Him. We stirred up strife with our sovereign. We deserve the full expression of His fury. We should receive the full measure of His wrath. His just judgement for our sin is warranted. Our sin caused strife. Yet, He offered a Savior. In love, He provided a covering for all our sins rather than prolonging our strife. Abounding grace was given to extinguish His anger. Manifold mercy was dispensed to quench His fierce wrath. His Love covered all our sins.


Love is water on the fire of hatred. When we act in love rather than respond in hate, strife is squelched, anger is averted and quarrels are quenched. When we love, unstirred sin remains dormant and strife stays silent. But when hatred develops, strife arises. Thus, those who love Christ should respond like Christ. They must let His love dispel hate. They have to let anger be extinguished and let Christ be exalted. We must respond to the agitation of others in the manner in which Jesus responded to our aggression. Hatred cannot prevail where Christ is enthroned. Hatred will halt, strife will cease and love will win where Christ’s love resides.


It is only when saints and sinners allow sin to gain a foothold that hatred will emerge. Hatred is eradicated when we allow the Spirit of God to bring forth His fruit of love in our lives. Christians driven and directed by the Spirit are the hope of love in a hate-filled world. We love because He first loved us. He has given us the ability to love our enemies and those who would spitefully use us. It is His love for us that enables us to love others. Love rules where Christ reins. Love wins where He lives.


Today love like Christ loves you. Ask the Lord to help you not to let what agitates you lead to hatred and strife. Ask Him to temper what tempts you to lash out and replace it with His love. Ask Him let the Spirit enable you to bear the fruit of love. Let love win your day.

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