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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Then Teach

Updated: Apr 22


Psalm 51:13

Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you.


Sinners need saints. Those engrossed in sin, need those who have escaped from sin. Those, whose sins are massive, need those whose sins found mercy. It is the experienced who educate those entangled.


David had sinned. It wasn’t insignificant. His insurrection was intense. His sin was substantial. His maleficence was multiplied. His one act led to multiple actions. His one failure led to many fallings. He repented and God forgave him (Ps 51:3-4). The Lord manifested His mercy. His confession brought cleansing (Ps 51:10). His failure was forgiven. He was restored (Ps 51:10). He was made right. Joy and gladness returned to the bones that the Lord had broken (Ps 51:8).


Now he realizes his new role, “Then I will teach”. His was a tremendous task. He was to testify of the tragedy of his transgression. He was to tell of God’s forgiveness for those who have fallen. He was to proclaim the Lord’s mercy to those who had messed up. He was to speak of His grace given to those who had gone astray. He was to profess His pardon to those who had slipped off the path.


His was to teach “transgressors”. He was to bear witness of God’s ways. He was to make know God’s mercy and to speak of His goodness and grace. He was to tell of his own transgressions. Then he was to recount God’s redemption and rescue. He was to preach pardon for the prodigal and to herald hope and help for the fallen. He was to give them the expectation that they could return and be restored.


His lesson learned becomes a lesson for others. He had encountered their heartache. He had toppled under trial and turned to transgressions. But His redemption becomes a road for their recovery. His path turns into a path for them. His restoration is their hope and his experience is their encouragement. Their failure is not forever. His salvation can be their story. There is hope in the Savior. There is cleansing in Christ. There is freedom from their fall and forgiveness for the failure. There is hope for the heartbroken and deliverance for the devastated.


You can return. You can be restored. Like David, admit your sin, acknowledge your transgression, plead for mercy, and cry out for cleansing. The Lord’s sacrifice has secured your salvation. His death defeated your sin. All off them. Find His forgiveness and receive His restoration. Then like David, proclaim His pardon. Tell your testimony. Teach transgressors of His merciful ways, in hopes that they too will turn and trust Him.


Today contemplate your struggle with sin. Thank the Lord for His mercy is in the midst of your mistakes. Thank Him for the forgiveness and cleansing that you have received by His hand. Consider those that you know who have fallen and returned to faithfulness. Ask the Lord to help them and you to continue to repent and return when you run after sin. Ask the Lord to help you testify to others of the travesty of transgressions and the trust that turns them back to the Lord’s ways. Teach what you have been taught regard the sin that ruined you and the Savior that redeemed you. Tell those who are running from the Lord of your rebellion, repentance, return and restoration that they too might return to Him.

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