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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

The Path

Updated: May 5


Psalm 16:11

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


The pleasures of this world lure us. They tantalize us and they draw us. We want to experience the ecstasy they afford. We want to bath in their bliss. We desire to be caught up in their feeling of euphoria. We hope for the happiness that worldly pleasures will bring.


Here David directs us to a different path. He details a path of heavenly happiness. It is a path of an authentic and rich life. He tells of a life of abundant joy and abounding pleasures. He writes of a life that endures beyond the bounds of this earthly existence. It is a life in the Lord. It entails experiencing His presence, being engulfed in His joy and being enraptured in His pleasures. It is a life of fullness forever.


This life is not allusive. It is not hidden. It is a known path. He has revealed the route. The Lord has marked the way. He has “made known” to us His path. He has cleared away the brush and removed the obstacles. He has made known the once hidden mystery. The highway to happiness has been identified.


Admittance onto this path is not automatic. Not all will take it. It is accessed through another. It is entered through Jesus Christ. He is the way to fullness of joy and forever pleasures. It is by Him that we gain entrance onto this path of life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me” (John 14:6). He is the gate that opens onto this path. He is the door that gives admission to this life (John 10:9). By His sinless life, we will find eternal life. By His sacrificial death, we become freed from death. In His supernatural resurrection, we are raised to new spiritual life. His work provides our way. Those who turn to and trust in Him find this trail. They find this path of life.


Like any course we must choose to take it. We must pick our path. He has made it known to us. He has provided the way for us. We must proceed to procure the blessings of the path. Unending unbroken joy await us. Perpetual happiness in His presence lies before us. Pleasures beyond comprehension and without interlude or intermission await those who choose Christ. Everyone who forsakes all and follows Him will find “fullness of joy”. So come to Him and get on this highway to happiness where you will find “pleasures forevermore”.


In this life you will experience temporal pleasures and fleeting joy, but in Christ you will discover unimaginable pleasures and incomprehensible joy. He is the source of the happiness you are searching for. This world’s pleasures cannot compare to the delight that you can find in knowing Him. He brings abundant life (John 10:10) and full joy (John 15:11) to all who turn to Him. He offers the joy filled life. In Him is the path to this life.


Today thank the Lord that in this life of momentary unsatisfying pleasures, He offers unfathomable pleasures. Thank Him that in this dismal, dreary, and often unhappy and joyless life, Christ bestows inconceivable joy. Thank Him that He has made known to us the path of life. Praise Him that in Christ we can find lasting happiness and endless joy.

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