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The Evangelist

December 2nd

Today's Bible Reading

The Evangelist

Acts 21:8

On the next day we departed and came to Caesarea, and we entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him.

For many of us we might have a nickname or some title that distinguishes us from every other person. Titles like professor, coach, doctor, or pastor might be mention along with our name to identify us. This was also true throughout scripture. Those with similar names would be given a title to differentiate them from others with the same name. This was the case with John the Baptist, Herod the Great, Jesus the Christ, Paul the Apostle and here in our text Phillip the evangelist.

The Phillip mentioned here was one of the seven deacons selected in the early church to help the apostles minister to the needs of the congregation. His title distinguished him from another Phillip who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. The Phillip mentioned here was characterized along with the other deacons as a man who was full of faith and the Holy Spirit (Act 6:5). But he received the title of evangelist not because of his service to those within the church, but because he shared the gospel with those outside the church.

When the great persecution of the church led by Paul (then Saul) occurred the disciples were scattered through Palestine (Acts 8:1). Phillip began to proclaim the gospel in Samaria (Acts 8:4-40). His gift of evangelism was evidenced by his efforts. Many people were saved through his evangelistic preaching. This brought about his title of evangelist. Apart from a discussion of Timothy’s commission to do the work of an evangelist, Phillip is the only one given the distinction of being called an evangelist.

Now 20 years after Phillip fled Jerusalem because of Paul’s persecution of the church, he invites the apostle Paul to reside with him in his home. No longer on opposite sides of the fence these two meet together as brothers in Christ. What a conversation must have ensued from this encounter, with the evangelist Phillip and the missionary Paul swapping stories of the Lord’s great and awesome work through them. It is quiet beyond our comprehension to understand how God works, but we rejoice that he uses ordinary men like Phillip to accomplish extraordinary work.

This seemingly insignificant scene in the history of the early church should bring great encouragement and exhortation to us. As we see this exclusive title of evangelist given to a deacon of the church we are encouraged that God can use us too for His purpose and plan. The only one in all of scripture who was given the title of evangelist was not one of the twelve disciples or an apostle, but a simple table waiter for His Lord. He used a simple servant to become a mighty evangelist.

But we are also exhorted in this text as well. We wonder what title will be attached to our name. We should contemplate if we will be distinguished for what we have done for the kingdom. This is a very telling thought. We must consider where our focus currently lies. We must ponder where our path will lead. Whatever title is inevitably associated with our name should be equal to our efforts to love and serve the Lord. Phillip didn’t designate himself as an evangelist, those who know who he was and what he did, like Luke the writer of Acts, gave him the title of evangelist. May your actions for the kingdom cause others to assign you a kingdom title.

Today ask yourself what distinction or title you might be given by you friends related to your kingdom service. Thank the Lord that like Phillip God has a plan and purpose for your life. Ask Him to show you the work that He has called you to do and ask Him to help you to serve him faithfully in it.

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