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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Ten Steps

Updated: Jul 23

Ten Steps


Today's Bible Reading: 2 KINGS 20:1-19, ISAIAH 38:1-39:8, 2 CHRON 32:24-31


2 Kings 20:11

And Isaiah the prophet called to the LORD, and he brought the shadow back ten steps, by which it had gone down on the steps of Ahaz.


We live in a world of transition, especially in relationship to our wellbeing. We may feel fine one day and feverish the next, living life to the fullest then lingering at death’s door. We trudge along and then the traumatic hits.


Hezekiah was feeling good, but suddenly fell ill. His health began to deteriorate to the point of death. So much so, that the prophet Isaiah was sent to him to rely that the Lord had said to get his house in order because in three days he would die.


Hezekiah responded as he had done in previous peril, he humbled himself before the Lord in prayer. He sought the Lord’s mercy for his misery. Overcome with sorrow he wept bitterly before the Lord pleading with Him to spare his life. The Lord heard and immediately responded. As Isaiah was leaving the court the Lord redirected him to return to Hezekiah, this time with good news, news that the Lord had heard his prayer, saw his tears and determined to heal him. The healer brought hope in the midst of Hezekiah’s hurt.


Even though he had received this reprieve from death, Hezekiah was skeptical. He asked for a sign from the Lord that he would be healed. He wanted validation of the Lord’s verdict.


So the Lord graciously gave him verification. He moved the shadow on the sundial back ten steps. This movement could only be attributed the miraculous power of the Lord. The one who controls the shadows had come to him in his suffering. The Lord didn’t just move a shadow, but brought all his controlling powers upon the sun and the sky to “significantly” move the shadow. He moved it enough to ascribe it’s effects wholly to His hand and to demonstrate His abundant power over His creation and thus in Hezekiah’s life as well. If He could move the shadow, He could minister to Hezekiah’s suffering.


This should bring peace in our most perilous times. The one who moves shadows, stands with us in our suffering. His power to move the shadow “ten steps” is a testimony that there is no trauma, trouble, or tragedy in our life where He can’t intervene with His presence and power.


This sign was not only for Hezekiah, but us as well. The shadow maker and shadow mover can sustain us through our struggles no matter how severe. The “ten steps” testify that if He controls the shadows, He can control our chaotic crises.


Today remember and reflect on the “ten steps” story. Apply deeply these truths to your distress. As you walk through your day, look at the shadows around you to remind you of the shadow mover. Thank Him that if He could move the shadow back “ten steps”, He can give you His divine strength to handle your most difficult struggles.

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