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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Aug 2

Today’s Bible Reading: JEREMIAH 5:20-6:30, 2 CHRONICLES 34:8-28, 2 KINGS 22:3-20


Jeremiah 6:15

Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore, they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown,” says the LORD.


When we are ashamed or embarrassed our natural inclination is to blush. So inversely if we do not feel ashamed or embarrassed there’s no reason to blush. God has designed us to blush. When we find ourselves failing and falling in our walk with him there should be a sense of disappointment. We should blush. But when one loses the ability to “blush” over their sin, it is because they are no longer ashamed to engage in sin.


When we no longer find something shameful, we no longer feel shame when we dwell on or engage in that activity. Although the Lord has clearly and precisely declared what pleases him and what doesn’t, our view and God’s view of sinful behavior can become drastically different. Our love for the pleasure of our sins can supplant our desire to please and glorify Him. Then we find greater satisfaction in sin, as we find ourselves less satisfied with our savior. We no longer are ashamed of our sin and become shamelessly sinful.


The question posed in the text is just as relevant now as it was then. “Are you ashamed when you commit sin?” For many of us we would say no. We might try to justify our sinful behavior by putting forward arguments like, “Well, God understands, I’m only human” or “That’s just the way God made me.” or “I’ve tried to stop but can’t, so I guess I’ll have to live with it.” or “Nobody’s perfect.” and “Not everything that was sin then is sin now.” But from the Lord’s perspective, nothing has changed; all sin is still an abomination to Him. From the little to the large, sin is disobedience and rebellion to His commandments and character.


One can never justify continuance in sin in God’s justice. In the court of common opinion your sin may be disregarded and you may be seen as innocent so that you have no reason to feel ashamed. But in God’s judgment, you stand guilty and will endure the consequences of your transgression. As the text affirms,. . . they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown,” . . . Thus, you should be overwhelmed with a deep sense of shame. Sin should always make you blush. This shame is the driving force that causes us to experience brokenness and express repentance. It leads us to repulsion and rejection of our sinful behavior.


Blushing is thus a test of believers. It is a test of their view of transgression. It is an outward expression of the inner guilt of sin. Where there is no blushing because of sin there is no sense of shame and therefore no desire to repent of sin. The backsliding believer now behaves like a nonbeliever who has no shame in sin and sees no need to repent from their sin.


This seems like a disastrous realization that could lead to despair. But there is hope for believers who are trapped in their transgression with no sense of shame or remorse. God gives hope to them in the very next verse as he challenges them; “ 16 Thus says the LORD: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.' God offers rest for the relentless trauma of transgressions for all those who will choose to walk in the good way. That good way is Jesus. By His sinless life, substitutionary death, and supernatural resurrection, Jesus took the sin and quilt of believers upon Himself. For the saint and sinner alike, the path is the same, turn to and trust Jesus to bear your sins and shame upon His cross.


Today ask this question repeatedly, “Do I blush because of my sin?” It the answer is no, find your way onto the good way, the Jesus way. Repent of your rebellion, plead for His mercy and forgiveness and find restoration and rest in Him.

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