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Taming Temptation

Updated: Jan 6

Taming Temptation

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 37:1-39:23, 1 CHRONICLES 2:3-8


Genesis 39:10

And as she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her, to lie beside her or to be with her.


Temptation will taunt us every day. Day after day, moment by moment it seeks to seduce us. There is not a day that goes by without temptation drawing us toward defeat. There is not a night that passes without it pressuring us to partake. Every moment of every day is its opportunity to entice us to engage in its evil end. Some days are better them others when we are able to battle its constant bombardment. Other days we are overwhelmed by its power and fall to its persuasion. Temptation is relentless. It never stops. It never gives up. It seeks only our spiritual defeat, despair and destruction. It is our daily battle, but we don’t have to be beaten by its barrage. The story of Joseph gives us strength for our struggle.


Joseph encountered the daily onslaught of an oppressive temptation. Although a slave, he was a man of authority. Everything in his master’s house with the exception of his wife was in his care. He was also a handsome guy. He caught the attention of his master’s wife. He became the target of her affection. He was the object of her lust. He became a pawn to satisfy her perverted desires. Her sights were set on sleeping with him and nothing could stop her quest. She would have him.


So, day after day she pursued him. He was barraged by her relentless appeals to lie with her. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. She was persistent. She wasn’t going to give up till she got what she wanted.


Joseph was a man of integrity. He was a righteous man. He knew that to indulge in this affair was to sin against his God. A moment of delight would be disobedience to His Lord. He decided that His Lord was greater than her lust. His resolve rejected her requests. Opportunity arose, but obedience was awakened. He chose to face the dungeon for his defiance against her rather than the despair of his disobedience against God. He chose his Lord over this lady.


Joseph chose not to listen to or heed the daily temptation he faced. His relationship with the Lord and his resolve to trust Him give him strength for his struggle. He was able to stand in defiance because his delight in the Lord was greater than his desire to lie with her. His passion for God muted her pursuit of him. Temptation is tamed when we trust God through it. Let Joseph’s example be an encouragement for you when you are daily enticed to engage in sin.


Today when you are tempted, trust God. Dwell upon your delight in the Lord so you won’t be drawn into disobedience. Ask the Lord to strengthen you by His Spirit so you will be able to stand when temptation strikes. Like Joseph run from temptation rather than run toward it. Trust God to tame what tempts you

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