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July 18

Today's Bible Reading


Is 30:1-2

“Ah, stubborn children," declares the LORD, "who carry out a plan, but not mine, and who make an alliance, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin; 2 who set out to go down to Egypt, without asking for my direction, to take refuge in the protection of Pharaoh and to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt!

It’s funny how we make plans without checking to see if others agree. Some of us seldom seek the advice of others. We simply decide and move forward with what we have planned. We assume that everyone is onboard with our choice. But more often than not, this can get us into terrible trouble and bring about devastating results.

The children of Israel seemed to have this mentality when it came to their decisions. Although they were to be utterly reliant and dependent on the Lord to advise them and direct them, they determined to decide without Him. They consulted themselves, instead of consulting Him. This earned them the tile of “stubborn children”. He had already proved a means to direct them through the existing Urim and Thummin that the priest could consult to counsel them. (Ezra 2:63). God was ready and willing to guide them, but they were stubbornly bent on guiding themselves.

They had devised a plan that was not His, a source of protection that He had not sanctioned and path that He had not directed them follow. They had developed their own means to accomplish their ends. God was left out. He had no part in counseling them or directing them in their chosen course. God was not considered or consulted in their decision-making process. The text says that as a result of doing this they added “sin to sin.”

This is not uncommon for us to repeat. We make a multitude of decisions daily without considering what Scripture says on the subject, gaining counsel from His Spirit or consulting the saints for advice. Doing this would surely simplify our decisions making process in most of our choices. You see, God clearly outlines our response in most situations. Take the decision that was made here to consort with Egypt to protect them from the Assyrians. God had already specifically said that they were not to return to Egypt for help (Deut 17:16). There answer was a no brainier, don’t turn to or trust Egypt for protection, in doing so you will “add sins to sin”. But they rejected His word.

The Word of God is our counsel for our choices. In not considering His word, we are rejecting what God has established to direct our steps that we might faithfully walk in His way. Psalms 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. God’s word brightly shines the way in which we are to go. The direction is determined and the only decision that needs to be made is “Will I submit to God’s direction or be a “stubborn” child and choose my own direction?” So don’t “add sin to sin” by carrying out your own plan, making your own alliances and setting a course contrary to what God has set. Rather decided to consult the Lord and continue on His course.

Today thank the Lord for His counsel. Praise Him that He has provide His word to point us to His will so that we can follow His way. Ask Him to help you hear what He says and heed what He calls you to do. Ask Him to help you avoid being a “stubborn child”.

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