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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Mar 27

Today’s Bible Reading: JUDGES 7:1-9:21


Judges 7:10-11

But if you are afraid to go down, go down with Purah you servant, an you shall hear what they say and afterward your hands shall be strengthened to go down against the camp.


There are times when we know what God has directed us to do but we have doubts in doing it. There is no ambiguity in what He has asked, but there is apprehension in acting upon it. Our confusion confounds us and constrains us from complying. The want is there, but just not the will to do it. We have all experienced these paralyzing episodes in our spiritual journey.


Gideon had a similar disconcerting dilemma. He had heard the call of God to follow Him. It was not cloudy but very clear. It was not obscure or ambiguous but obvious and apparent. There was no doubt as to what God had called him to do, only doubt on his part in doing it. God had told him “Arise, go down to the camp”. He even told him what the outcome would be, “for I have delivered it into your hands” (Judges 7:9). There was no question as to God’s request of Gideon or God’s response to Gideon. Deliverance was certain if only he and his army would go down upon the entrenched enemy. Gideon need only follow God’s call and conquest would be certain.


Yet Gideon’s doubt dissuaded him. It constrained him from following God. He had faith, but it was feeble. He had seen God work in the past (Judges 6), but he wasn’t sure whether He would work in the present. Perhaps it was the fact that God had reduced the size of his army from 22,000 men down to 300. Or it could have been the massive military might that was mounted against him in the valley. They were “as numerous as locust and their camels were without number, as the sand by the seashore in multitude” (Judges 7:12). Regardless of what accelerated his apprehension, he was afraid. His doubt disabled Him. He needed what he had attained in the past (Judges 6:36-40), some form of confirmation. He wanted proof that God would prevail.


God recognized his hesitancy in complying with His call. He understood His doubt and that he needed his fears alleviated. So, the Lord in His mercy devised a plan to bring calm to his conflicted soul and strengthen his shaky hands. He gives him a course for confirmation. He tells him, “If you are afraid, go down to the camp with Purah your servant’ (Judges 7:10). Well, he was afraid and so he chose God’s option.


In God’s providence, He put the pieces of the event together to bring peace to His servant. It is overwhelming to consider how the Lord masterfully orchestrated everything that occurred to bring strength and assurance to Gideon. Just consider that of the multitude of soldiers in the camp that the one he encounters would have a dream at this time. Then consider the fact the Gideon would choose to arrive at this particular location in the vast array of tents to hear this solider decide to tell another soldier about his dream at that exact time. Then notice that Gideon heard his name spoken by the enemy soldier who was telling of his conquest of their camp that was yet to happen. The voice of the enemy validated his victory. God’s concern and care for Gideon went to great lengths to confirm what He had called him to do. His providence brought him peace.


Gideon’s fears were allayed and his feeble faith was strengthened by what was said by the solider, but it was God’s providential plan that created the confidence he needed to continue. Upon hearing the dream and its interpretation, Gideon worshiped the Lord and went forth into battle.


We are not unlike Gideon. We often have fears and floundering faith when it comes to following what God asks us to do. Fear overtakes us when the Lord calls us to share the gospel with a coworker or friend. We dread the thought of stepping out into the unknown. We cringe as we contemplate moving beyond what is comfortable and convenient. But we need not fear what we are asked to do in faith. As God did for Gideon, He will do for you. He will providentially intervene in the events in your life to bring clarity, confirmation and confidence to follow Him. He knows your fears and can strengthen your faith.


Today, thank the Lord for His work of dispelling your doubts. Thank Him that He sees your fears and will help you to subdue them. Praise Him that He is always working on your behalf “behind the scene” to build up your faith so you can faithfully follow Him. Rejoice today that His providence brings you peace.

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