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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Stirred Up


Haggai 1:14

And the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people. And they came and worked on the house of the LORD of hosts, their God,


The people of God had been called to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. It had lay in shambles for fifty years. The work began with great enthusiasm. They rebuilt the altar. They reconstructed the foundation. Things were going on schedule. Then opposition arose. Naysayers spoke against them. They frustrated the people, their purpose and their plan. Their commission remained, but their commitment did not. The work stopped. The house of Lord remained in ruins.


Their focus turned to themselves rather than the temple. They become more concerned about their own houses than their Father’s house. They lost their vigor. They suppressed God’s vision. They stopped the work.


For seventeen years they put God’s purpose for their lives on pause. They caved under criticism resulting in cancelling His calling. They pursued their own plan. They choose their own path. Disregarding God’s desire, they went their own way. They concentrated on building their houses while the house of God remained in shambles.


Now the Lord awakens them from their long days of disobedience. He sends forth His word to awaken their slumber. He sends His servant to shake them up and to set them back on course. The time had come. The task was revisited, the team was reassembled and the temple was rebuilt.


Too many days were wasted. The work was left undone. Now they must rally. They must revive their commitment and return to their calling. So, He stirred up their spirit. He reinstated their purpose and reignited their passion. What was put off was back on. What was disregarded is now desired. His work became their priority.


For some of us God has clearly called and commissioned us to a specific task. He has assigned us to a particular ministry. We may have even pursued it for a time. But, things came up. Life got complicated and critics confronted us. It got difficult. His calling got cloudy. We reconsidered. We stepped back. We stepped away. Our plan was implemented to replace His plan. We moved on.


Today let the Lord stir up your spirit anew. Let Him rekindle your passion and redirected your plans. He is calling you back to His task. No matter how long you have been away, you can return. You can continue in His commission. It won’t be easy. There are no guarantees. Opposition will still arise. Critics will cry out. But the Lord’s assurance, as with the Israelites, is “I am with you.” That’s enough. His presence will guard you and guide you to complete the task that He has called you to. Surrender to His stirring today.

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