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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Sing Child

Updated: Mar 27

Today’s Bible Reading: JUDGES 3:31-6:40


Judges 5:3

I even I will sing to the Lord. I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel


Songs are written all the time. They tell stories of our struggles, our loves, our pain and our victories. We all have songs embedded in our heart and implanted in our memory. When recalled, they help us remember life’s happiness and hardships. They give us a handle for hope and a reason for rejoicing.


Music touches our heart and soul. Through tragedy or triumph, songs console us and cheer us up. We relate to songs that speak to our situations and strike a chord in our struggles. Through songs we are reminded of where we have been and redirected to where we are going. They bring help in our sorrow, hope through our struggle and happiness in our success. Songs express who we are and how we feel. They acknowledge our achievements, they attest to our anguish and they tell our story.


Israel had won a great victory. The Lord had gone before them in battle. He directed their steps and He delivered them. Their thoughts turned to Him. His help was heralded in a song. The words were a harmony of praise expressing thankfulness for His presence with them, His provision for them and His power before them. It was a song of Him to Him. Here was their way of thanking Him. It was their testimony about Him. It was their song of triumph and deliverance. It was a song of praise for His help.


They had to sing. They could not hold back their melody. His work led them to worship. He prevailed and they praised Him. Their joy led to their jubilation. His salvation birthed their song.


Here is a lesson for us and an example for us to emulate. Every day the Lord works in and through us. Every day He intercedes for us. Every day He pursues us, provides for us, and protects us. He comes to us in crisis. He cares for our every concern. He pours out His love over us. His new mercies rain down daily on us. His eyes are on us, His ears hear us and His hands hold us. His thoughts are for us. Daily He directs us. Nightly He watches over us. He deserves all our thanks and all our praise. His name is to be honored. It is to be glorified above all others and exalted above the heavens.


Every day songs of praise should resound from our lips. We should make melodies to our Master. We should sing hymns about Him. We should record anthems of adoration. We need to sing songs about and to our Savior. Every day we should exalt His name. Everyday a new song should sound in our heart. As the psalmist said, we should ‘sing to the Lord a new song” (Ps 96:1). A fresh praise should spring forth for that day. A melody should be manifested daily. So, reflect on what He has done and rejoice in what He is doing. Tell in song of His goodness and testify of His faithfulness. It’s your tune to tell, it is your chorus to carol, it’s your praise to proclaim and it’s your song to sing. Sing to Him. Sing about Him. Resound with His praise. Sing your song today!


Today write down all that the Lord has done for you recently. Turn your testimony into a tune that will resonate in your memory. Make it a melody of praise and thanksgiving toward Him. Even if you can’t carry a tune, follow the exhortation of the Psalmist and “make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth, break forth into joyous song and sing praise to Him.” (Ps 98:4). The Lord is the only one that needs hear it, and He already knows how you sing. So, sing, sing child!

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