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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Say So

July 10th

Say So

Ps 107: 1-2

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so . . .

Many of us have heard the phrase “See something, say something” This is a challenge for everyone to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings so they can report any unusual or suspicious activity. In following this line of reasoning, we hope to keep communities safe from deviant behavior. The people of God are also encouraged to see something and say something, but in a spiritual sense. We are to “say so”. We are to recall and recount our encounters of God ‘s endless goodness and enduring mercy. We are to recite how He has redeemed us. We are to proclaim these truths to all those we encounter. We are to testify to how the Lord has been good to us and how we have experienced the outpourings of His marvelous mercy. We are not to keep silent or shy away from saying something about what we have seen. We must “say so”. We are the redeemed and as such we have a story of redemption and a Redeemer to tell. The text records several scenarios of redemption. It tells of those who wander in the desert (v 4-5), those who are imprisoned (v 10-12), those who suffer affliction (v 17-18) and the difficulty of sailors in a storm (v 23-27). In each account they experienced trouble, then they cried out to the Lord and He delivered them in their distress. (Ps 107: 6,13,19, and 28). As a result of their redemption their response was to “thank the Lord for his steadfast love” (Ps 107:8,15, 21, and 31). The Lord delivered them all. That is the story they are to tell. Those hungering and thirsting in the desolate desert are to testify that He satisfied their longing soul and filled their hungry soul with good things (v9). Those in irons in prison are to proclaim that He “brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and burst their bonds apart.” (v 14). To those “suffering affliction” they are to declare that He healed them (v 20). Finally, the seafarers who endured the tumultuous seas, are to tell of how “He made the storm be still” (v 29). These that are redeemed are to “say so”. This text also points to a future redeemer who will by His sinless life, sacrificial death and supernatural resurrection offer redemption and deliverance to all who will turn to and put their trust in Him. By Him “blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them.” (Luke 7:22). Like those of old mentioned in the text, if we have been redeemed, we must “say so”! We cannot sit back and be silent. A world wandering in darkness, imprisoned in sin, sorely afflicted and trying to ride out the storms of life, needs to know of this redemption. They need to hear of the Lord Jesus who is good and whose steadfast love endures forever”. So let us boldly tell everyone about Jesus our redeemer. Let us “say so”.

Today “say so”. Don’t hold back another day from declaring the goodness and love of your Redeemer. Talk about Jesus to someone today. Just “say so”.

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