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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Zechariah 3:2

And the LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, O Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?”


If you know Christ, you have been rescued. You have been saved from perishing. The redemption that you now enjoy is the result of the Lord “plucking you from the fire”. He is the one who saw your plight and pulled you to safety. It is by His hand that you have been delivered from destruction. All praise honor and glory are due to Him for rescuing you.


The children of Israel had been in captivity for many years. Most of those who had been taken into captivity in Babylon as punishment for their sins have now died in captivity (Ezra 3:12). A new generation has arisen. They are the remnant who has returned to rebuild what had been destroyed. Although they had not been part of the rebellion that removed them, they would be the ones who would now return and rebuild the temple.


God gives Zechariah visions to reassure the people of His plan and presence as they return. In the vision in chapter three He focuses on the role and the relationship of the high priest, Joshua. In the vision, Satan to tries to dissuade God’s plan and discourage God’s people. We are not privy to the accusations he made, but we are told of God’s rebuke of Satan. In the Lord’s response we are given an insight not only to God’s people then, but God’s people now.


First we are reminded of God’s choice of His people and the place where He had chosen for them to worship. Notice the phrase in the text, The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem. Of all the cities in the world, the Lord chose this city to be His city. He has chosen it to be the place where His temple would be built and where His presence would dwell on earth. It was in Jerusalem where His people would journey three times a year to celebrate His goodness. Now, although completely in shambles, God rebuked Satan for thinking that He had given up on His CITY. But be assured them that He hadn’t.


God also rebukes Satan for assuming that just because He had deported His people into exile that He had deserted them. But notice the question the Lord poses to Satan, Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?” Why would God go to great lengths to pluck Joshua and His people from the fire if He was just going to throw them back in it? He will not reject those whom He has rescued. He selected them like one choosing charred wood that you don’t want to be consumed in a fire. What He has selected is secure. He has chosen them and He will not cut them off or cast them away.


The vision continues by addressing the “uncleanliness” of the High Priest to perform his duties. His filthy garments prohibited him from standing before the Lord in His temple. The angel directs Him to remove his filthy garments representing the sin that plunged them into captivity. Then God declares Him clean, stating, “I have taken you iniquity away from you”.(Zech 3:4). His final answer to Satan’s accusations is to cloth Joshua “with pure vestments”. Now there is no argument. The priest is purified to stand in God’s presence in God’s House. God has through this vision assured His people they are His chosen and cleansed people charged to serve Him.


These truths from the vision bring us great comfort. We, who know the Lord, have been plucked from the fire. Our filthy garments of sin have been removed and replaced with “white robes” that have been washed in the blood of the lamb (Rev 7:9,14). We have been chosen and cleansed by God. We are His. We are safe and secure in His love and grace. Though accused daily by the deceiver our confidence is in our deliverer. We are rescued and redressed.


Today praise the Lord that you have been plucked from the fire. Thank the Lord that He has replaced your filthy garments with pure ones. Thank him that you are chosen and cleansed by Him. Rejoice in your rescue.

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