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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Rainbow Reminders

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

Rainbow Reminders


Today’s Bible Reading: Gen 7:1-10:32, Chron 1:5-23


Genesis 9:13

I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.


Rainbows were God’s idea. They were His creation. They are His brilliant splash of color contrasted upon the backdrop of dark clouds. Rainbows are a portrait of His promise. They are a constant reminder of His covenant with all mankind. They are His sign in the sky.


Our text takes us to the post deluge world, where Noah, his family and the surviving creatures stand on dry land. They were saved by the Ark. They had been rescued from God’s wrath. God now makes a pact with Noah, all future generations and every living thing. He pledges never again to destroy the whole earth by a worldwide flood. It is His universal agreement and unbreakable vow. It is an everlasting unconditional covenant that is not contingent on man’s faithfulness, but God’s. No matter how wicked or depravity society may become, the covenant remains. No unrighteous of men can repute it. No righteous can retain it. His covenant is wholly dependent on his divine decree, His faithfulness to fulfill what He promised. Flood waters will continue to rise, but they will be restrained, remaining localized. There will never again be a worldwide destruction of all living things by a cataclysmic flood. His covenant guarantees it. The rainbow reminds us of it.


Every rainbow is cause to remember. They compel us to recall what they represent and why God paints them in the sky. They are a reminder of God’s promise to never again destroy the world by a destructive deluge, and His faithfulness in keeping what He promises. But also a reminder of His patience with his creation. God saw the unbridled unrighteousness of mankind and declared that He would destroy the earth within 120 years. God could have carried out His judgment immediately, but patiently waited, giving men adequate time to repent. Bows remind us God is patient.


Rainbows also remind us God punishes sin. God saw the extensive wickeness of man, that their every thought and action was consistently and totally evil. Their sin was pervasive. Ample time had been afforded for them to turn from their sin, yet they wouldn’t. Sin cannot go unpunished; God can’t overlook or dismiss it. His justice demands it. Since they would not relent or repent, God was just in bringing His judgment upon them. Thus, He exhibited the full force of his wrath in their total destruction. Bows remind us of God’s just punishment.


Rainbows further remind us of God’s provision. God made a way of deliverance from the deluge. He provided an Ark. He Displayed His grace and mercy in proving for their salvation. It was a ship of salvation for those who would trust Him. It was a way of escape for all who would enter in. Just as with all those who have “enter into” Christ for their salvation. Their hope was in him. Their sentence was being commuted on His cross. Their salvation was being secured by His sacrifice. Their deliverance provided through his death. He is the ark of their salvation. Bows remind us of God’s provision


Today let the bow remind you. Dwell on God’s purpose in displaying it. Reflect on his patience toward you. Be reminded of His distaste and displease with all sin. Ask him to examine your heart and help you recognize and repent of sin. Praise Him for His abundant mercy and amazing grace toward you in providing Christ for your salvation. Rejoice in his promises. Celebrate His Covenant. Thank him that He is forever faithful. Praise Him for His periodic rainbow reminders.

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