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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Possible Impossibilities

Updated: Sep 19

Luke 1:37

For nothing will be impossible with God.


Too often we discount God’s power. We disable the impossible, we discard the improbable, and we delete the unattainable. But God doesn’t. His possibles supersede our impossibilities. He can when we can’t. He is not limited by our limitations.


In our text a barren grandmother and a unwed virgin teen experience the impossible. The barren womb becomes fertile. The empty womb impregnated. Divine intervention intersects an impossible situation. Menopausal grandmothers don’t become pregnant and pregnant virgins are implausible. But not by God’s plan and power.


Many things in our life seem impossible. From the minute to the monumental, life is full of the impossible. Yet we serve a God of the impossible. He parts an impassible sea, He stills storms, and He slays giants. He regulates a fire furnace and constrains veracious lions. He cures incurable diseases, heals hurts, and raises the dead. He removes every obstacle and any obstruction to accomplish His plan and purpose. By His power, He makes the impossible possible.


We all have a tendency to surrender to the impossible. We step back from the unattainable. We cry, “We can’t”, “There’s no way”, or “That’s not possible.” Yet God can. He is the God of the impossible. Nothing restrains Him and nothing restricts Him. Yet we find Him limited by our lack of trust. So often, Jesus would rebuke His disciples for their lack of faith (Matt 6:30, 14:3). They would claim the crowd was too big, the storm was too intense, the catch was too small or the task was too big. Being plagued by misguided trust they would cower in faithlessness. Even then the Lord displayed the possible in impossible situations.


We are so much like them. Our trust, like theirs, is often misplaced or misguided. We must learn to trust His truth. We must believe that He is able. We must say with confidence, “He can!”, not might or could, but can!” We must proclaim with our text that He will. We must acknowledge that “nothing will be impossible” with Him. He will because He has. We can look back to lean forward. He has done the impossible; He will do the impossible again.


He has delivered and He will deliver. He has healed and He will heal. He has restored and He will restore. They believed and we must believe. There is nothing He couldn’t do. There is NOTHING He can’t do. So, whatever in your life you deem impossible, He declares it’s possible with Him. Your cannots are His can. So, turn to Him and trust Him. Then wait and watch for what He will do.


Today trust Him to do what you deem implausible to do. Ask for the impossible. Ask Him to help you increase your faith so you can believe that the Lord can and will cast you mountainous concerns into the sea. (Mark 11:23). Trust the Lord of the impossible to make possible your impossibilities.

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