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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Plans Perish


Plans Perish

Psalm 146: 3-4

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish.

For most of us we have a plan for our life. We consider the possibilities and pursue our passion. We get educated. We get experience. We embark on our life’s adventure. The trouble is for most of us our plans are temporal. As the Psalmist states our plans perish when we take our last breath. We have a vision of the present, but not postmortem. Some of us live our life without regard for our legacy that will remain when we are gone. Others make no plans for their eternal existence beyond this life. They make earthly, but not eternal plans. The Psalmist challenges us to consider our plans beyond the grave.

What will happen when we are gone? What memorial will remain of what we have accomplished during our earthly journey? Will a legacy of our life linger after we are gone? The Psalmists speakers of salvation. He addresses the object of our salvation. He admonishes us to consider the source of our deliverance. To look at the enduring nature of our hope. If our trust is in an earthly savior, that hope will expire at their expiration. When they are gone, so is our security in salvation. Our hope must be eternal. Settled not on earth, but in eternity.

Our savior must be eternal in nature, so our redemption continues after the grave. Jesus is that hope. His plans did not die at his death, but our deliverance was accomplished by his death. His life was not extinguished at the grave, but his resurrection brought us hope beyond the grave. Our Redeemer lives. Our hope lives. Our salvation is secure in a risen savior. His plans did not perish at his last breath, but continues as He awaits the arrival of all those who put their hope in Him for eternal salvation. Make plans that continue beyond the grave. A legacy of your life that is not just engraved on a tombstone, but that lives when you are gone. But also, secure eternal salvation through Christ Jesus that supersedes time and continues into eternity.

So consider your plans, Are they temporal or eternal? Will they extend beyond this life? Is your hope settled in heaven through a deep abiding eternal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? If so, rejoice that you are secure in Christ. If not, cast yourself on His mercy and trust in His sinless life and sacrificial death to accomplish your eternal salvation. Our hope should never be in this life, but in the life to come. Our security must not be in what we hold in our hand, but what was done by His hand. All we have will remain when we are removed. Plan beyond this life and your plans won’t perish with you. Plan well!

Today thank the Lord for the hope that we have in Jesus. Thank Him that our salvation is secure and sure in what Christ has accomplished for us. Praise Him that even though our earthly plans perish, our eternal plans persist.

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