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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Peace in the Valley

Updated: May 5

Today's Bible Reading: PSALM 22-26


Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me


A valley provides lush vegetation and cool streams for grazing sheep. But danger is also lurking in the cliffs and crevasses of the mountains that surround them. Predators are watching and waiting for an opportune time to pounce upon the unsuspecting sheep. The sheep are defenseless and vulnerable prey. If not for the vicinity and vigilance of their loving shepherd the sheep would certainly become victims of violence. Valleys can be a deadly destination.


David, being a shepherd, understands the difficulty of herding sheep through the valleys. He knows the reward and the risk that is involved in the journey. That is why he writes of the good shepherd who leads His sheep safely through the valley.


We have all experienced spiritual valleys. They are the places that we do not prefer to remain. We would much rather be atop the safe spiritual mountain then struggling through the valley below. Yet, if it wasn’t for the danger of the valley, we would never know the delight of the meadow on the mountain above. We all need valleys that compel us to draw our confidence and comfort from our good shepherd who leads us through them.


There is no question that spiritual valleys leave us in despair and distress. They subject us to significant stress and strain. We are often overcome with the anxiety and anguish that valleys produce. We hope for the best but plan for the worst. David understands this angst when he describes the valley we encounter as the “valley of the shadow of death”. There is no worst-case scenario than the one that he depicts. But even in this situation he gives us hope in how to handle our “valleys”. He tells us that we can and will “walk through” it. As we trust the Lord of the valleys to help us walk through our valleys, we will find that these dismal daunting days will dissipate giving way to the dawn of days of delight.


David admonishes us not to fear when we face these forbearing moments. These dark valleys don’t have to rule our day. He says we can have confidence because of who walks with us and comfort because of who watches over us. Fears and foes are vanquished by the one who walks with us in the valley. No evil or enemy can stand against us because of the one who stands with us.


David acknowledges that the presence of the Lord is with Him in his valley. He declares, “you are with me”. He is not fearful of the death, danger and darkness that lie in the valley before him, because of his faith in the Lord who is with him. Like David, no dread can devitalize us in those deadly and difficult days in the valley. We don’t need to fear. He accompanies us. We don’t go through this alone. The perception of His presence pushes away our fears and propels our faith. It is this confidence in the Lord’s presence that also brings us peace in our valley.


David further recognizes the contentment that comes to us knowing that the Lord who walks with us through our valley also watches out for us in our valley. We have His presence and His protection throughout our journey. David declares, “your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” These were the instruments the shepherd used to keep the sheep from wandering off and to ward off those that would do them harm. This gave the sheep a sense of security and safety. They felt invincible in their most vulnerable state. They had peace of mind and peace in the valley.


We too can have this sense of peace in the midst of our most depressing and dismal days. We can put our trust in the Lord who leads us to the mountaintops to lead us through the valleys. We can have confidence He will walk with us and take comfort that He will watch over us. His presence and protection brings peace in our valley.


Today thank the Lord for peace in your valleys. Ask Him to help you realize and rely on His presence and protection to help you walk through your dark and difficult days. Praise Him that He will help you get “through the valley” before the valley gets through with you.


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