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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Participatory Prayer

Updated: Sep 16

Today's Bible Reading: NEHEMIAH 3:1-7:3

Nehemiah 4:9, 18

9 And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night. . . 18 And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me.


Nehemiah was assigned the divine task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. It wasn’t easy. He had no labor force assigned to aid him. He had to rally the people to perform the work. He did. The work began with great vigor and excitement. They had a mind to work. Then opposition arose. Daily taunting and mocking meet them as they labored. This added to the difficulty of removing the rubble and rebuilding the wall.


Two things threatened to stall their obedience: opposition and obstacles. The rhetoric of others and the rubble around them almost caused them to consider quitting their work. Their strength was failing and their support was waning. Fear was mounting among them. They knew that this was God’s great work. His honor and name was at stake. He had called them to the task. His hand would guard them and guide them to complete the task.


So rather than put off the work, together they prayed. But they didn’t just pray. Theirs was a participatory petition. It was prayer with action. They didn’t just sit and wait for an answer. Their confidence in the God who called them compelled them to continue. The cried out to God and keep working for God. They prayed and put up their protection. They positioned a guard on the wall. They continued with their sword on their side and their trowel in their hand. With weapons attached, the work went on. They labored and they looked. They trusted their God to guard them and guide them.


Here is great lesson for all believers. We must pray and be persistent. You must put feet to your petition. You must position yourself for Him to act. You can’t let the opposition obstruct what God has ordained for you to do. You must not let the difficulties you face determine the direction you take. You can’t let the remarks of others, and the rubble before you redirect you. You mustn’t let their “you can’t” or your “I can’t” negate the “you can” of God. In the midst of opposition you have to pray and press on. God will guide you and He will guard you, so pray and press on.


Today consider the opposition that you are facing that hinders you from doing what the Lord has clearly called you to do. Praise Him that He always guards and guides all of those that He calls to serve Him. Thank Him for His protection and provisions with which He provides for you to accomplish the task He has entrusted you to do. So don’t give up and give in just pray and press on.

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18 sept 2023

September 18th- reading this today directed me to pray the amour of God, And Psalm 141:3 ❤️

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