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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Nothing Changed

Updated: Jan 6

Nothing Changed

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 30:25-31:55


Gen 31:13

13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and made a vow to me. Now arise, go out from this land and return to the land of your kindred.'"


Often in our calamities and crisis we must be reminded of the constant. We must remember the unchanging one in our ever-changing situations. We need to recall God’s words to weather life’s storms.


God had spoken to Jacob previously at Bethel. He had promised to be with him and bring him back there. Now through all the changes in his life, he needed assurance that the Lord’s word had not changed. The Lord comes to him. He identifies himself as the God he had encountered before, the God of Bethel. He came to reassure Jacob that He has seen all that he has experienced and that although everything around him has changed He has not changed. He is still the God of Bethel and His promises were still valid. He calls him to return. God’s promise to bring him back would be the resolve that directed him. God had been with him there and God would bring him back from there. The unchanging character and commitment of the Lord brought comfort in his crisis and calm to his storm.


We have this same assurance. No matter what changes we encounter, the immutability of our Lord is intact. Times will change, we will change, and others will change, but He changes not. He remains the same. There is no shadow of turning in Him. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. All that He is, all that He says and all that He does is unchanging. We can put our trust in Him in tying times. We can count on Him in our crisis. The never changing one will be there to help us deal with our changes.


This sure hope that we had when we met Christ should be the same hope that we have years later. Whatever waters of difficulty may arise or winds of adversity might blow, the Lord of our salvation is the Lord over our situations.


Today rejoice that there is an unchanging God in your ever-changing circumstances. Praise God that the Lord you have looked to in the past is the same Lord you can look to in the present. Look to Him today to hold you and help you in whatever weighs upon you. Let His control, counsel and comfort guide your decisions and give you reassurance in your difficult days. Remember that the unchanging God you serve sees your shifting situations and stands with you in every struggle.

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